Mysteries 1873 – Book – Politics and Mysteries of Life Insurance, by Elizur Wright  – 265p  —  [BonkNote]  —  [GooglePlay-link] Irving Rosenthal, Guardian (1908-1990) – SOA///Obituaries/1990 One of his favorites, repeated at an actuarial meeting, was to refer to the actuarial department as the “high priestess of life insurance mysteries.” 1905 – Great Round World – Volume 26 –…

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Fragmented 2006 – gov – shelby – john d johns, ACLI The tremendous cost of insurance that is brought about by the facts that our insurance laws are so fragmented in this country…. (p11) [Bonk: Not about Life Insurance] — SBA – Statement of Howard Samuels, Administrator, Small Business Administration 1968 11 – FTC -…

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Bail Bonds (ABC) – American Bail Coalition, founded in 2001 (NABIC) – National Association of Bail Insurance Companies National Association of Surety Bail Underwriters National Association of Bail Recovery Agents Associated Bond IN RE CALIFORNIA BAIL BOND ANTITRUST LITIGATION Case 4:19-cv-00717-JST Document 284 – 35p NAIC, Supplement Citizen Protection Act of 1998 › judiciary…

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Abandoned Property Prepared Statement of the Securities Industry Association [SIA] HOW SECURITYHOLDERS BECOME “LOST” Abandoned property is tangible or intangible property that is unclaimed by its rightful owner. Although it seems inconceivable that a securityholder would “abandon” their property, for a variety of reasons, a considerable number of securityholders are “lost” each year when dividend…

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Firsts When an issue begins is sometimes difficult to discern.. —  Norman K. Martin 1981 – SOA – Individual Life Insurance Cost Disclosure Issues, Society of Actuaries – 22p AL – Adjustable Life –  Cost Disclosure – 1968 Senator Hart  VAs – Variable Annuities – 1950s VLs – Variable Life Insurance – 1970s – Equitable Life GICs…

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Special AIG Special Task Force – (EX) – NAIC Special Plans Special Policies Specialty Policies

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Trust 2005 – AP – The Role of Professional Organizations in Boosting Trust in Financial Business, by Brian K. Atchinson, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. Issues and Practice, Vol. 30, No. 3, Special Issue on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (July 2005), pp. 477-484 (8 pages)

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Hedge Abstract: Traditional life and health products have long been regarded as non-interest sensitive. Pricing has often been done with only a single interest scenario projection. 2007 0913 – SOA / Milliman – Interest Rate Hedging on Traditional Life and Health – A Research Project with the Society of Actuaries – 39p

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