Run on the Bank A bank run is the sudden withdrawal of deposits of just one bank. A banking panic or bank panic is a financial crisis that occurs when many banks suffer runs at the same time, as a cascading failure. In a systemic banking crisis, all or almost all of the banking capital in a country is wiped out; this can…

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Liquidity In contrast, many of the investment-oriented products marketed in the last decade have shorter duration and require greater liquidity than was needed in earlier … 1992 – World Bank – The Life Insurance Industry in the United States:  An Analysis of Economic and Regulatory Issues, by Kenneth M. Wright – 54p (p8) – An increase in…

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Capital Markets H. CAPITAL MARKETS BUREAU The principal risk of capital markets activities within regulated entities is the potential for loss on investment instruments and investment portfolios that may materially affect capital adequacy. Managing this risk is the responsibility of the insurer’s board of directors and management. A key to the regulation of capital markets…

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Abusive Agency Problems: Policy Replacements A. What information is available on the extent of policy replacement abuses? What steps have individual companies taken to control replacements of existing policies? What procedures have companies adopted to meet the several state regulations regarding replacements? 1961 – SOA – Agency Problems: Policy Replacements, Society of Actuaries – 11p Unreasonable…

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Red Team 2022 1013 – IAIS – Draft – Issues Paper on Insurance Sector Operational Resilience – 28p  — [BonkNote]  (p17) – 61. – Red Team Tests – involve entities challenging their internal and external dependencies through the use of red teams to introduce an adversary’s perspective in a controlled setting. Red teams serve to test possible…

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Surplus Notes 1989 – SOA – Securitization of Assets, Society of Actuaries – 10p 1995 – SOA – Survival Strategies for Mutuals, Society of Actuaries – 14p 2015 – Book – The Insurance Forum: A Memoir, contains a chapter (Chapter 25) devoted to the subject of surplus notes.,  by Joseph Belth – 11p 2016 0710 – IAIS – Risk-based Global…

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Liquidation Receivership Troubled Companies UILA – Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act Asset Liquidation Disintermediation Life Liquidity Risk Working Group – NAIC Liquidity Liquidity Assessment Subgroup Liquidity Risk Liquidity vs SolvencyLapse Risk Run Runnable Run on the Bank Run on the Life Insurance Company “asset liquidation analysis” UILA – Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act 1940 – LR -…

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Predictive Analytics 2019 – The Use of Predictive Analytics in the Canadian Life Insurance Industry, Society of Actuaries 2014 – Modeling of Policyholder Behavior for Life Insurance and Annuity Products, Society of Actuaries – 92p

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CSO On the regulatory front, we have 2001 CSO coming into play. That will help UL writers and variable life writers. It reduces the cost of reserves when we provide guarantees to clients. However, the impact on term and UL is probably moderate, probably low. On the variable life side, a number of variable life…

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LIRP/ SLIRP – Life Insurance Retirement Plan LIRP Life Insurance Retirement Plan Life Insurance Retirement Planning Life Insurance in Retirement Planning 199xs – Metlife – legal case – Nurses LC – Walker v Life Insurance Company of the Southwest  —  [BonkNote] Doug Andrew LASER Fund David McKnight 2022 0523 – The Power of Zero – What…

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