Information Sharing (p20) / 01:00:00 – I heard the consistency on the panel that there is no call here for a new regulator or super regulator to take the place, but rather someone to connect the dots. [PDF-254p, VIDEO-YouTube-Part 1of2 —  Steve Bartlett, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Financial Services Roundtable 2009 0305 -…

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Life Settlements 2009 0924 – GOV (House) – Recent Innovations in Securitization, Paul E. Kanjorski (D-PA) [PDF-123p,] Written statement of Joseph M. Belth  – p103- Testimony – Susan Voss (IA) – NAIC House – Committee on Financial Services – Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises 2023 0524 – Michael Sartain – 86.…

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Securities Lending Securities Lending – Index Securities Lending – AIG Securities Lending – AIG – FCIC Securities Lending – FCIC Securities Lending – FRB Securities Lending – Insurance Regulators Figure 7 illustrates our identification strategy by focusing on the differences in lending behavior between MetLife and AIG. 2019 – FRB – Over-the-Counter Market Liquidity and…

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Deceptive Deceptive Business Practices Deceptive Contracts Deceptive Sales Practices When a policyholder feels deceived, the disintermediation potential is enhanced. —  Allen D. Booth, a consultant in the Milwaukee office of Towers, Perrin, Forster and Crosby 1982 – SOA – Universal Life Update, Society of Actuaries (rsa82v8n34) – 26p In guarding the public against insolvent insurance…

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Capital Standards ICS – Insurance Capital Standards – IAIS Spencer BACHUS (R-AL) – I believe to protect those that are relying on the bond insurers’ capitalization, I believe the superintendent of the New York Insurance Department could have raised the capital standards. Governor SPITZER. Sir, I think you misapprehend— Spencer BACHUS (R-AL) I believe there…

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Optional Federal Charter 2007 1214 – CRS – Insurance Regulation: Optional Federal Charter Legislation – 16p 2004 – AP – Consumer Ramifications of an Optional Federal Charter for Life Insurers, Sheila Bair – 273p Chart – p262 2008 – SOA – Optional Federal Charter (OFC)—Another Acronym, Another Concern, By Norman E. HIll – 5p “OFC proposal”…

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SIFI – Systemically Important Financial Institutions (p21) – Chairman LUETKEMEYER (R-MO) – Thank you. Mr. Van Der Weide, I want to let you know that you gave us more information in your 2 or 3 minutes’ response here than all of the other folks we have had before this committee, put together, when we asked…

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Mis-selling …customers may be satisfied with companies because they provide inexpensive products, but the customers may be misinformed about what is being sold. (p3) 2015 0501 – Letter – AAA to IAIS – Committee Comments To IAIS on Conduct of Business Risk Draft Paper, American Academy of Actuaries – 4p Mis-selling and market conduct issues…

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Policyholder Protection Consumer Protection The fundamental tenet of our U.S. system is to protect policyholders by ensuring the solvency of the insurer and its ability to pay insurance claims. (p36) —  Prepared Statement of Kevin M. McCarty, Commissioner Florida Office of Insurance Regulation – On Behalf of the National Association of Insurance  2015 0428 – GOV…

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Codification One other issue I did want to touch on is the effort of the NAIC on codification. I’m sure that a lot of you have not paid a lot of attention to codification. It seems like an effort that the accountants are making, that we hope won’t effect us too much. The effort on…

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