Secrets I mean, the law is not a secret….  (p182) 2014 0425 – DOC 813 – Trial Transcript – Day 12 – Walker v LSW – 224p The method of computation of “net premium” is the great insurance secret. We doubt if any legislator or any judge ever solved the problem or guessed the secret. (p66)…

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Cash Flow The cash flows of a policy are defined by the Society for this purpose as “the actual transfer of funds between the policyholder and the insurance company in either direction, and includes premiums, dividends, cash values and death benefits.”  Actuaries Report, supra n. 33, at 6. So what I am saying is that…

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Surplus Relief We have developed model regulations dealing with surplus relief, and we tried to close those loopholes so that the balance sheets are in fact truly stated, perhaps not misleading, but truly stated. —  John F. Gies (Chief Life/Health Actuary of the Connecticut Insurance Department) 1999 – SOA – Insurance Company Failures of the Early…

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Consumer Understanding James Hunt (National Insurance Consumer Organization) stated that in his experience most people are very confused about the coverage they have. Mr. Morgan (Ohio) stated that his experience was that consumers did not understand what they had purchased. He said there should be an understandable way of saying that the company is guessing…

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Guessing The actuary cannot and should not attempt to estimate or predict the future. This would reduce actuarial work to guessing. ⇒  What then are actuarial assumptions? 1998 01 – SOA – Actuarial Futures – Actuarial Assumptions and the Future, by W. Harold Phillips, Society of Actuaries – 4p (p3) – Companies say: After 5…

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Culture Chairman Paul KANJORSKI. (D-PA) – Do you think it is not working smoothly because of avarice, or a thoughtful intent to deny paying customers, or attempting to target and only make special monies in special areas? Mr. HUNTER. I think it is— Chairman KANJORSKI. From the areas that Mr. Eiland is talking about? Mr.…

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Price Fixing One of the specific examples, Lou, was a survey done about term insurance in conjunction with a workshop. The Society counsel felt, because of some questions relative to pricing assumptions, that the survey came close to price fixing. <WishList: Survey> —  Stephen H. Frankel, Northwestern Mutual the incoming Chairman for the Society’s Program…

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Reliance Justified Reliance Reasonable Reliance Reliance Insurance Company 1999 – LC – Zarrella v. Minnesota Mutual Life Ins., 96-2782 – Opinion – 26p (p10) – More importantly, however, plaintiff could not have prevailed on the misrepresentation claims because the statement did not induce plaintiff to act on them in the manner that Minnesota Mutual intended. The statements were part…

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Misleading Misleading Illustrations Why is this flimflammery allowed to continue? Where are the laws to prevent companies from misleading people?   —  Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) 1993 0525 – GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life Insurance?, Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote]  (Northwestern Mutual Life: A Century of Trusteeship by…

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Internet Commissioner Linda Ruthardt (Mass.) said that at some point people will be able to buy life insurance over the Internet and will create their own illustrations. 1995-1, NAIC Proceedings  From the Floor: Do you think that the Internet really deals with more commodity like products, that insurance products on the Internet will become simpler,…

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