Core Business By contrast, the core business of an insurance company is transferring and pooling risk.258 If premiums are prepaid, this does not necessarily entail any short-term borrowing. That means that the risk that an insurance company will have to sell large quantities of assets is smaller. This is not to say that insurance companies…

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Receivership Courts Dodd-Frank FDIC NAIC Receiver’s Handbook for Insurance Company Insolvencies for Qualified Financial Contracts Troubled Companies 2023 04 – NAIC – State Insurance Receivership Priority Act – Federal Priority Act – 1p UILA – Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act 1940 – LR – Legislation: The Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act – 12p Although there has been a vast…

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Premiums, Costs, Values and Benefits Premiums and Benefits – Index P1P2 – Policy Mechanics / Cash Flow / Language In the case of true Universal Life…the product is modular and adjusts instantaneously to changes in benefits, premiums, and experience. —   George R. Dinney: 1982 – SOA – Programs to Conserve Traditional Life Insurance Policies, Society of…

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Search For Yield 2013 – FRB – Are the Fed’s low interest rate policies pushing investors toward risk? – 4p 81. AIG also chased higher yields by investing heavily in bonds of lengthy maturity As a consequence, AIG grossly mismatched the maturity dates of the collateral investments and the underlying securities loans, which rarely had…

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Orderly Liquidation The complexities involved in resolving MetLife could aggravate the threat posed to U.S. financial stability by the company’s material financial distress. Case 1:15-cv-00045-RMC Document 85-2 Filed 09/30/15 Page 15 of 222

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Mortality Tables T’he mortality table is the instrument by means of which are measured the probabilities of death and survival. 1940-Supplement NAIC Proceedings –  It should be remembered that the CET Table was prepared to enable companies to charge a proper rate for extended term coverage. —  Elgin R. Batho 1961 – DIGEST OF SMALLER…

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ERM – Enterprise Risk Management 2010 – SOA – Did Enterprise Risk Management Really Work? – The Case of Lincoln Financial Corporation, Scott Engle, Presented at 2010 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium, Society of Actuaries – 18p 2013 – SOA – ERM-ILA Model Solutions, Fall 2013, Society of Acuaries – 38p Learning Objectives: 2. The candidate will…

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Troubled Companies During the early 1990s, however, the solvency problems of the life insurance industry increased, climaxing in the failure in 1991 of several large insurers– Executive Life Insurance Company, First Capital Life Insurance Company (EF Hutton) Fidelity Bankers Life Insurance Company, Monarch Life Insurance Company, and Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. Assessments for Executive…

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Market Market – Index NAIC Market regulation handbook – combines information from the Market Conduct Examiners Handbook and the Market Analysis Handbook 

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Policy Conversion The option of conversion to permanent insurance without evidence of insurability began to be common in term policies on this continent during the 1890’s. 1949 – SOA – Term Conversion Option, Elgin G. Fassel, Society of Actuaries – 42p

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