Covered Agreements 2018 0220 – NAIC – Covered Agreement Public Hearing – Comment Letters – 176p 2019 – AP – The Future of the US-EU Covered Agreement: How to Drag an Absurdly Federalist Regulatory System into the Global Reinsurance Market – 23p

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Value Cash Surrender Values Cash Value Cash Value Life Insurance Surrender Values Valuation Manual – NAIC Value at Risk – (VAR) Chapter 9 Elizur Wright “Value” – extended term (p153) – he = Patrick Brockett, Plaintiff Expert Witness And he identified the fact that sometimes when the market performs lower, the policy has less value.…

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Reserve Relief Warren Buffet – FCIC Interview – mp3 NAIC Proceedings 1933 198x 2008 Belth Re: ACLI’s Proposed Amendment to Actuarial Guideline XXXVIII — ALIA 2010-2 (Summer) – NAIC Proceedings It is ironic, for example, that state regulators are boasting in Congress about the effectiveness of their capital and reserve requirements in stabilizing insurers even…

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Amicus Curiae Briefs ACLI MetLife v FSOC – Amici Curiae Briefs NAIC PIABA 2021 0809 – Amicus Brief – PIABA – Public Investors Advocate Bar Association –  8p The Williams decision raises two issues of critical importance to investors. The first is whether insurance carriers may be held to be responsible for the…

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Deposit Bank-like Deposit Term Policy Demand Deposits Savings Deposits Demand Deposits Demand deposits are funds on deposit with banks; they are subject to immediate withdrawal and are classified as cash. Savings Deposits These are interest-earning accounts in which the depositor is required (or may at any time be required) by the bank to give notice…

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Runnable Run Disintermediation Surrender We define “runnables” as “pay-on-demand” transactions which embed defaultable promises made by private agents or state and local governments without explicit insurance from the federal government. 2015 0903 – FRB – The Runnables – [link] A life insurance policy is not indentured servitude. 2014 0310 – Letter – Sheila C. Bair…

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Contagion Run – Index 1994 – FRB / AP – Announcements of Asset-Quality Problems and Contagion Effects in the Life Insurance Industry, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 35, No. 2 – 29p 2014 1218 – LC – 15-cv-45 – MetLife v FSOC – re: MetLife – D85-2, 85-2 – Explanation of the Basis of the Financial…

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Class Actions Legal Cases – Index Legal Cases – Multidistrict Litigation – MDL    Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 2008 – LR – The Class Action Fairness Act in Perspective: The Old and the New in Federal Jurisdictional Reform, by Edward A. Purcell, Jr. – 105p 2008 – LR – The Class Action…

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