ADVERTISING; Changing Times As an Ad Medium, by Philip H. Dougherty - [link]
1973 06 - Changing Times - How life insurance costs compare, company by company
1977 03 - Changing Times - Life Insurance: What You'd Better Know Before You Buy, p. 36-40
Adjustable Life Insurance
1977 10 - Changing Times - Adjustable Life Insurance --- [BonkNote]
"Adjustable" Life Insurance. The idea is to have one policy you can change as your needs change.
1977 10 - Changing Times - Adjustable Life Insurance - (p17-19) - GooglePlay --- [BonkNote]
1984 05 - Changing Times - Term, Whole Life, Universal Life. Only Adjustable Life II gives you the best of all three! - Bankers Life - (p19) --- [BonkNote]
1989 10 - Changing Times - Adjustable Life Insurance - (p70) - Principal Life --- [BonkNote]
Each Time Your Life Changes, Our Life Gives You An Edge
Universal Life / Illustrations
1981 08 - Changing Times - The Latest In Life Insurance with an Inflation Twist - (p45-47) 3p - - [link-GooglePlay]
Universal Life is a little like term, a bit like cash value policies and a lot like both
Jack Barger, EF Hutton
Life of Virginia
1989 0902 - Manchester Herald (Connecticut) - The slow route to riches: Think big even if you start modestly, By the Editors of Changing Times - 25p
Universal life insurance offers essentially a money market fund or one-year fixed-rate savings account plus term insurance coverage.
Unlike whole or variable life policies with mandatory annual premiums, universal allows you to add $100 or $200 at your convenience, though eventually you will need to pay more to maintain the level of insurance coverage. (p19)
1992 11 - Kiplinger's - The Dirty Half-Dozen Revisited, by Kristin Davis - [link-GooglePlay]
1994 06 - Kiplinger's - Buying Life Insurance: What the Numbers Don't Show - Future cash values may not be as big as they seem - (p49-52), by Kristin Davis --- [link-GooglePlay]
"When we first developed formats for vanishing premiums, no one stepped back and asked, 'What would the average consumer think by looking at this illustration?'" says Judy Faucett, an actuary with the accounting firm of Coopers & Lybrand in New York City. "We knew what we meant, but I'm not sure consumers knew what we meant."
Ray Silva, San Jose, Cal. - [Bonk: Guardian Life Insurance Company - Agent]
Life insurance illustrations - Insurance illustrations are useful to show consumers how a policy works ("Buying Life Insurance: What the Numbers Don't Show'" June).
But consumers must understand the difference between a policy's guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements.
Dividends are not presented as promises because they will vary depending on changes in mortality, expenses, interest rates and how long policyholders keep their policies.
1956 02 - How Much Life Insurance Do You Need? - Blue
1957 12 - Group Life Insurance - Green
1958 04
1959 12
1960 03
1960 11 - How to Buy Life Insurance - Red / White / Wavy
1964 04
1970 - Changing Times - Book - Consumers Guide to Insurance Buying, by Vladamir P. Chernik
1973 06 - Changing Times - How life insurance costs compare, company by company
1975 05 - Changing Times - Life Insurance for Women - Puzzle
1977 03 - Changing Times - Life Insurance: What You'd Better Know Before You Buy, p. 36-40
1977 10 - Changing Times - Adjustable Life Insurance --- [BonkNote]
"Adjustable" Life Insurance. The idea is to have one policy you can change as your needs change.
1977 10 - Changing Times - Adjustable Life Insurance - (p17-19) - GooglePlay --- [BonkNote]
1980 06 - Changing Times - Advertisement: How Can I Make a Reliable Cost Comparison Between Competitive Policies, The Bankers Life - (p43-44) - [link-GooglePlay]
For one insurance company's advertising approach to cost disclosure, see The Bankers Life, How Can I Make a Reliable Cost Comparison Between Competitive Policies It refers to only two indices.
[Bonk: Found in - Aetna Life Ins. Co. v. Mitchell, 101 Wis. 2d 90
1981 08 - Changing Times - The Latest In Life Insurance with an Inflation Twist - (p45-47) - [link-GooglePlay]
Universal Life is a little like term, a bit like cash value policies and a lot like both
Jack Barger, EF Hutton
Life of Virginia
1984 05 - Changing Times - Term, Whole Life, Universal Life. Only Adjustable Life II gives you the best of all three! - Bankers Life - (p19) --- [BonkNote]
1989 0902 - Manchester Herald (Connecticut) - The slow route to riches: Think big even if you start modestly, By the Editors of Changing Times - 25p
Universal life insurance offers essentially a money market fund or one-year fixed-rate savings account plus term insurance coverage.
Unlike whole or variable life policies with mandatory annual premiums, universal allows you to add $100 or $200 at your convenience, though eventually you will need to pay more to maintain the level of insurance coverage. (p19)
1989 10 - Changing Times - Adjustable Life Insurance - (p70) - Principal Life --- [BonkNote]
Each Time Your Life Changes, Our Life Gives You An Edge
1994 06 - Kiplinger's - Buying Life Insurance: What the Numbers Don't Show - Future cash values may not be as big as they seem - (p49-52), by Kristin Davis --- [BonkNote] --- [link-GooglePlay]
"When we first developed formats for vanishing premiums, no one stepped back and asked, 'What would the average consumer think by looking at this illustration?'" says Judy Faucett, an actuary with the accounting firm of Coopers & Lybrand in New York City. "We knew what we meant, but I'm not sure consumers knew what we meant."
Ray Silva, San Jose, Cal. - [Bonk: Guardian Life Insurance Company - Agent]
Life insurance illustrations - Insurance illustrations are useful to show consumers how a policy works ("Buying Life Insurance: What the Numbers Don't Show'" June).
But consumers must understand the difference between a policy's guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements.
Dividends are not presented as promises because they will vary depending on changes in mortality, expenses, interest rates and how long policyholders keep their policies.
1994 09 - Kiplinger's - Using life insurance to serve, Kiplinger Washington Editor's, Inc. -
1994 10 - Kiplinger's - Should you switch policies?, by Kristin Davis -