CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
- William Joseph Casey - (March 13, 1913 – May 6, 1987)
- William Casey - Bibliography -
- Life insurance desk book, 1974. 3d ed.
- Life insurance ideas, n.d
- How to use life insurance in business, 1959
- 1948-1962 - Lecturer in tax law at the New York University School of Law
- 1971 to 1973 - Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
- 1972 0215 - NYT - Equity Mix Urged with Insurance, By Eileen Shanahan - [link]
- 1973-1974 - Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- 1974-1976 - Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (1974–1976).
- During this era, he was also a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (1975–1976) and
- 1976-1981 - of counsel to Rogers & Wells
- 1981 to 1987 - Director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)