Comments About - Doug Andrew

  • Doug Andrew - Media
  • LIFE180/Chris Kirkpatrick/Garrett Gunderson
  • David McKnight/Power of Zero
  • 2024 0215 - PIABA - Testimony - Joseph C. Peiffer, President, Public Investors Advocate Bar Association  ---  [BonkNote]  ---  30p
    • 2024 0215 - GOV (House) - Protecting American Savers and Retirees from DOL's Regulatory Overreach, Bob Good (R-VA) - VIDEO-YouTube-02:06:21]
  • 2023 0828 - The Power of Zero - David McKnight - The Truth About Doug Andrew and His Retirement Philosophy - [VIDEO-YouTube-10:21]
    • I admire him, he has done more to bring to light the benefits of the Life Insurance Benefit Plan than just about anyone on the planet.
    • Differences between Doug Andrew and David McKnight
    • Roll out vs roll over - 401ks, IRAs
      • Stock Market
        • Doug Andrew - Anti-Stock Market
        • David McKnight - Not Anti-Stock Market
    • Doug Andrew - Laser Fund = IUL
    • David McKnight - Doug says to roll all your 401ks and IRAs into a IUL.  I disagree
    • 4% rule, stock market accounts, IUL account, 
    • 9 - David McKnight - Doug is a pioneer in this industry. Done more to expose the benefits of Indexed Universal Life than anyone on the planet.
      • However.... IUL only one thing to use
  • Doug Thorburn
    • 2007 - Elder Abuse and Lunch Seminars for Senior Citizens, Issue #31 Winter 2007-2008, by Doug Thorburn - 6p
    • 2007 - Book Review - Missed Fortune 101, by Doug Andrew’s - Review by Doug Thorburn - [link]
      • Every flimflam man knows that the con must be carefully layered around a kernel of truth for credibility. Missed Fortune 101 by Doug Andrew succeeds in this by wrapping a number of preposterous ideas and prevarications around four basic and true axioms.
      • They are: (1) income is taxed in what are essentially “chunks,” (2) the only relevant tax rate for decision making is the marginal rate, (3) tremendous wealth can be created by borrowing at one rate and investing at a higher rate, and (4) universal life insurance can be a valid investment by which to build wealth and a tax-free income stream. Everything else in this book is not only utter nonsense, but potentially lethal to one’s financial health.
  • 2013 0204 - White Coat Investor - Book Review of Missed Fortune 101 By Live Abundant Owner Doug Andrew - [link]
  • 2023 0908 - LIFE180/ Chris Kirkpatrick - IUL vs Whole Life Doug Andrew vs @LIFE180 & @GarrettGundersonTV | #infinitebanking - [VIDEO-YouTube-56:05]
    • 17 - 1980s - 4% - WL - 1st UL - EF Hutton 
    • 20 - 2020 - 7702 - Guarantees - WL policies going to 2%  - 2-3.75%
    • 22 - Stress on insurance companies, General Funds
    • 24 - Infinite Banking
    • 28 - Doug - with UL you are self-insuring, 15 years, option 1, max fund it, the cost of insurance is next to nothing.
      • Garrett - he's saying the companys are being duped.
      • Garrett and Chris - MEC Issues, Legal Line, 5 pay, up to the guideline, it illustrates really well, but not the actual performance, COI, NAAR, what have companies done in the past, show us an inforce illustration, 
    • 30 - Doug - Life Insurance  = Sacred Cow, 1980 - UL wasn't created by an insurance company, it was created by a  - EF Hutton, 
  • 2023 1004 - LIFE180 - Indexed Universal Life Insurance Will Get Crushed Over The Next Decade - [VIDEO-YouTube-41:54]
    • Levers
    • IUL - Traditional UL with an Option Strategy
    • 5:00 - P1P2 - [Bonk: Nope]
    • 07:30 - Pricing of Product-?
    • Lever #1 - Administrative Charges
    • Lever #2 - COI
    • Lever #3 - Riders
    • Lever #4 - Cap Rates - Riles up people
    • Expectations - criminal - max fund - performance -
      • not bad products, bad sales presentations
    • Lever #5 - Loan Rates
      • arbitrage
    • Examples - Nationwide =
    • 21:00 - "curtis ray" "mutual of omaha"
    • 41 - iuls blowing up soon, i just want to be the guy who calls it, 
    • 43 - Doug Andrews - double their money in 7 years....he sells transamerica, paclife, teaching agents, rule of 72, he doesn't consider cois, ets. fraud, scamming the people they love and care about. [Bonk: 1993 - GOV (Senate) - Jerry Keating, Agent - John Hancock]
    • 47 - 60-75 yos are Dougs target market. nobody would buy it if they understood...levers ... [Bonk: 1970 - GOV- Denenberg]
    • 50 - wfg - rings and awards
    • 52 - context of questions ----- [Bonk: cost / works /Anna Rappaport]
    • 55 - iuls blowing up, effect on family, [Bonk: Systemic Sisk]
    • 58 - Doug Andrews - guaranteed 8%, how does he get away with this. because he's not licensed.  if you were licensed.... you couldn't get away with that
  • 2023 1104 - LIFE180 - Live From WFG Meeting | Doug Andrew Keynote Reaction - [VIDEO-YouTube-01:02:14]
    • 4 - chis - wfg - Doug Andrews
    • 5 - walker comptroller
    • 7 - chris - iul = fraud, patrick kelly - tax free retirement,  people vs product, 
    • 9 - chris - don't know what you don't know. fraudulent components,  11 - i don't want to manipulate people, 
    • 16 - transameria parent - higher commissions
    • 29 - oneamerica - iul white paper - 
    • 37 - how iul works - math - 1913, federal reserve, banking cartels, whole life insurance, tax rules, wealthy people, doug andrews tamra, tefra, defra.... 
    • 59 - Doug Andrews - Cry Baby - listening to him almost made me puke. Think like a bank.  Double your money in 7.5 years. predictable 8%. There's lies and half truths.