CRVM - Commissioners Reserve Valuation Method
- 1979 - SOA - Adjustable Life Expense Allowances Under The Commissioners Reserve Valuation Method, Society of Actuaries - 36p
- 1984-1, NAIC Proceedings, Reserves Examples
- 1994 - SOA - Valuation Actuary Symposium Proceedings - Sessions 8 - Life and Deferred Annuity Life and Deferred Annuity Liability Models, Society of Actuaries - 32p
- 1994 - SOA - Valuation Actuary Symposium Proceedings - Sessions 8 - Life and Deferred Annuity Life and Deferred Annuity Liability Models, Society of Actuaries - 32p
The funding level affects: 1. Universal life commissioners reserve valuation method reserves -- In particular the r factor is the ratio of the actual fund value to the guaranteed maturity fund. Since r is capped at I00%, using a ratio based on the average fund for all policies may not produce the actual reserve.
Separate the policies based on the guaranteed maturity fund(i.e., greater than and less than the guaranteed maturity fund). This recognizes the differences in the r factor