Current Events

  • Primerica
    • Always Marco - Primerica
      • 2023 - LC - Primerica vs Marco Moukhaiber – Always Marco  ---  [BonkNote]
    • [Primerica - The Bear Cave Report - [BonkNote]
      • 2024 0418 - Report - The Bear Cave - Problems at Primerica (PRI), by Edwin Dorsey - [link]
  • GSPartners v behindmlm 

  • FSRA - Ontario, Canada 
  • DOL - Fiduciary
  • FSOC
  • IAIS Consultations
  • NAIC Working Groups
    • Illustrations - Generally
      • 2024 - SOA - Life Insurance and Annuity Illustrations - [link]
        • Research Objective
        • The Individual Life & Annuity Curriculum Committee is seeking a researcher to investigate and document the intricacies of illustrations and illustration testing. The following are examples of proposed topics that may be addressed:
      • Birny Birnbaum / Brenda Cude
        • 2024 0102 - ThinkAdvisor - Regulators lukewarm on illustrations rewrite in 2024, by John Hilton - [link] 
        • 2023 - NAIC - LIAC - Fall Meeting - 112p
          • Agenda Item #4 - Hear a Presentation on Consumer Financial Literacy vs. Life Insurance and Annuities Illustrations —Birny Birnbaum (Center for Economic Justice—CEJ) and Brenda J. Cude (University of Georgia)
    •  IUL
      • Nov 3
      • Nov 22
    • LIAC -
      • Judith L. French, Chair, Ohio
      • Jim L. Ridling, Alabama
      • Marlene Caride, New Jersey
      • Doug Ommen, Iowa
      • James J. Donelon, Louisiana
    • Online information- ?? - Laura Kane, Brenda Cude
  • Senate
  • Social Media 
    • [17:00-VIDEO-Clip] - 2024 0117 - Life180 - Chris Kirkpatrick - Why Won't Doug Andrew, Curtis Ray, or David McKnight Debate Me LIVE! - [VIDEO-YouTube-00:44]
      • 2024 0117 - Life180 - Chris Kirkpatrick - The Surprising Truth: Why Whole Life Outshines IUL for YOU - [VIDEO-YouTube-29:30]
  • 2022 08/09 - - 44p
    • 12. Pension Risk Transfer (PRT) Business Supported by Complex Investments
      • 2016 - NOLHGA - State Guaranty Funds Compared to Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) Protection – National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations -  68p
        o No further action was deemed necessary
  • NAIC
    • IULISG – Indexed Universal Life Illustrations Subgroup – NAIC
    • Life Insurance Online Buyer's Guide - ??
      • 2022 0720 - I listened in on the Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee Call Today and I have a few questions.
        • 1). Is there a working group or something that is working with Laura Kane and Brenda Cude on the NAIC Website that Laura was talking about today?  It seems kind of like the Online Buyer's Guide Subgroup, but I haven't seen anything about that.
        • 2) Laura mentioned 2 things that I was wondering if they were available to send to me.  
          • One was the Powerpoint deck that she was using today. (She mentioned a Texas Chart on it). 
          •  And two, She mentioned something about a Survey.  I didn't catch the details.  I think she said something like 15 States were participating.  
  • Senate - Banking Committee 
  • 2019 0411 - Press Release - Sherrod Brown (D-OH) to FSOC (Steven T. Mnuchin - Chair) - 3p
    • Leveraged Loans
  • 2019 0419 - Press Release - Sherrod Brown (D-OH): Mnuchin Must Take Action To Address Emerging Threats To The Economy - [link]
  • 2022 0316 - Letter - Sherrod Brown (D-OH) to FIO and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners - 3p
    • 2022 0416 - Insurance Circular Letter No. 5 - NYSID - [link]
      • 2022 0425 - Sullivan and Cromwell - 8p
    • 2022 0429 - Retirement Income Journal - Private Equity in the Life/Annuity Biz, By Kerry Pechter - [link]
    • 2022 0531 - Letter - NAIC to GOV (Senate-Sherrod Brown (D-OH)) - NAIC Response to Senator Sherrod Brown regarding Private Equity, National Association of Insurance Commissioners - 11p
    • 2022 0603 - Retirement Income Journal - NAIC Reassures Congress on Private Equity-Led Insurers, By Kerry Pechter, Media - 4p
    • 2022 0629 - Letter - FIO to GOV (Senate-Brown) - FIO Response to Senator Sherrod Brown regarding, Federal Insurance Office - 10p
    • 2022 0729 - RoughNotes - NAIC Picks a fight with Committee Chair, by Jim Brooks, Media - [link]
    • 2022 0805 - Letter - GOV (Senate- Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - FIO (Seitz) - 2p
  • 2022 0908 - GOV (Senate - Banking) - Current Issues in Insurance  ---  [BonkNote]
      • VIDEO
      • Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - Opening Statement - 3p
      • Senator Patrick J. Toomey (R-PA) - Opening Statement - 3p
      • NAIC - Kathleen A. Birrane - Maryland Insurance Commissioner - 12p
      • FIO - Steven Seitz, Director - Federal Insurance Office, U.S. Department of the Treasury - 4p
    • [VIDEO-CSPAN] - Hearing on Insurance Industry Practices
    • Video-Youtube
    • Media
      • 2022 0912 - InsuranceJournal - Federal Insurance Office: A Study in Evasiveness, By Jerry Theodorou - [link]
      • 2022 0927 - Wilkie - Congressional Hearing Considers Private Equity-Controlled Insurers - 4p
      • 2022 1007- -  Congressional Hearing Considers Private Equity-Controlled Insurers, by Mary Pat Campbell - [link]
  • 2022 - IAIS - Public consultation on draft criteria that will be used to assess whether the Aggregation Method provides comparable outcomes to the Insurance Capital Standard 15 Jun 2022 - [link]
    • IAIS - Project Update for the Aggregation Method Comparability Assessment - 1p
      • In response to stakeholder comments on the draft criteria that will be used to assess whether the Aggregation Method (AM) provides comparable outcomes to the Insurance Capital Standard (ICS), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) has decided to provide additional opportunity for stakeholder engagement on the development of scenarios that will be used to inform the assessment. These engagements will begin in October 2022.
    • Date-? -  NAIC’s Interpretive Guidance on ICS Comparability Assessment Framework -     1p
    • 2022 0815 - IAA (International Actuarial Association) - 5p
    • 2022 0815 - AAE  (Actuarial Associationof Europe) - 7p
    • 2022 - IIF (Institute of Interntional Finance) - <Bad Link> -
    • 2022 0817 - Insurance Europe - 11p
    • 2022 0815 - Center for Capital Markets (U.S. Chamber of Commerce - 5p
    • 2022 0812 - GFIA (Global Federation of Insurance Associations - 2p