David McKnight

  • 2013 10 - LifeHealthPro - What most retirement gurus get wrong: Want to help your clients reach the zero percent tax bracket? Recommend life insurance, By David McKnight - 3p
  • 2013 - Book - The Power of Zero, Revised and Updated: How to Get to the 0% Tax Bracket and Transform Your Retirement, by David McKnight
  • 2016 - Book - Look Before You LIRP: Why All Life Insurance Retirement Plans Are Not Created Equal, and How to Find the Right One for You, by David McKnight
  • 2017 - Book - The Power of Zero Marketing Revolution, by David McKnight
  • 2018 - Book - The Power of Zero, Revised and Updated: How to Get to the 0% Tax Bracket and Transform Your Retirement, by David McKnight
  • 2018 - VIDEO - The Power of Zero: The Tax Train is Coming - David McKnight  ---  [BonkNote]
  • 2019 - Book - The Volatility Shield: How to Vanquish the 4% Rule & Maximize Your Retirement Income, by David McKnight
  • 2023 1110 - The Power of Zero / David McKnight - My Take on Curtis Ray's MPI Approach to Retirement Planning - [VIDEO-YouTube-07:13]
    • David McKnight - Emergency Fund vs Liquidity
    • 01:30 - David McKnight - MPI works on Paper, Can't show on an Illustration, Curtis uses a spreadsheet he made, lots of moving parts - on paper vs real life, How it's going to go in reality... Track Record, persistency, 
    • Carson Porter - Monte Carlo Testing, Stress Testing, Such a complicated strategy. Will Ma and Pa stick with it, and if they won't, if there's not persistency, is it ethical?  What was the point in the first place?
    • 5 - David McKnight - It doesn't matter how much it makes sense on paper, if it doesn't lead to a positive outcome they would have been better off never to have done it to begin with.   
    • 5- 
    • 6 - David McKnight - So, yeah, well see . In 10 years.... It could be the worst thing ever, or it could be the be the best thing ever. We'll just see how it goes.