Derivatives, Futures, Options, Swaps etc - Government Hearings
- Brooksley Born
- Gary Gensler
- ISDA - International Swaps and Derivatives Association
- GLBA - Gramm–Leach–Bliley
- 1985 0617 - GOV (House) - Options Market and the National Market System
- [PDF-869p-GooglePlay, VIDEO-?]
- House - Committee on Energy and Commerce - Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
- 1998 1001 - GOV (House) - Risks of Hedge Fund Operations - Hedge Fund Operations Risks - Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) - 4:32:xx
- [PDF-p, VIDEO-CSPAN] ->not on
- Greenspan, Leach, Frank, Kanjorski,
- William J. McDonough - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- House - Banking Committee
- ... testimony on hedge funds and their effect on the global economy. Federal monetary officials, investors and professors testified.
- 1998 1001 - GOV (House) - Risks of Hedge Fund Operations - Hedge Fund Operations Risks - 2:40:xx
- Brooksley E. Born, CFTC-Chair
- Julie L. Williams - Comptroller of the Currency (Acting) - Department of the Treasury
- 2008 1014 - GOV (Senate) - The Role of Financial Derivatives in the Current Financial Crisis, CSPAN - Hearing to Review the Role of Credit Derivatives in the U.S. Economy
- [PDF-135p, VIDEO-CSPAN] - <mp3, mp4>
- Senate - Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
- Tom Harkin (IA), Eric Dinallo (NYSID)
- Testimony Dinallo Before the Senate Ag Committee_1.pdf - 8p
- 3:43:00 - Chairman Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA)
- (p65) - But I think that for some reason, that concerns me, that we are just developing these instruments, as I mentioned, the collateralized debt obligations, the collateralized mortgage obligations, the credit default swaps, all these things going back, even back when Fannie Mae started those things back in 1983.
- And I am not certain, I am not convinced that there was a demand out there for these.
- It is just people got together and said, we have got a new product here.
- We can market it and we can make money on it.
- And they kind of took on a life of their own.
- (p65) - But I think that for some reason, that concerns me, that we are just developing these instruments, as I mentioned, the collateralized debt obligations, the collateralized mortgage obligations, the credit default swaps, all these things going back, even back when Fannie Mae started those things back in 1983.
- 2009 0604 – GOV (Senate) - Regulatory Reform and the Derivatives Market
- [PDF-196p]
- Ben Nelson (D-NE), Gary Gensler (CFTC)
- Senate - Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry