Doug Andrew - Media

  • 2005-2007 - Scott Burns - Doug Andrew  ---  [BonkNote]
    • 2002 - Book - Missed Fortune
    • 2005 - Book - Missed Fortune 101
    • 2007 - Book - The Last Chance Millionaire: It's Not Too Late to Become Wealthy  
  • 2008 1205 - Missed Fortune on Fox Business Channel | Doug, Emron, and Aaron Andrew - [VIDEO-YouTube-03:33]
    • 2008 - Book - Millionaire by Thirty: The Quickest Path to Early Financial Independence, by Douglas R. Andrew, Emron Andrew, and Aaron Andrew
    • Doug - People don't know what they don't know
    • Emron - Real Estate is one part, Soft Market
    • Host - Real Estate and Stocks seem to be the 
    • Doug - That's Correct. We teach. How to take your serious money  ... How to participate in the Stock Market when it goes up and how not to lose when it goes down.

  • 2017 - US News - Stress Test Your Portfolio With This Checklist - [link]
  • 2017 - Huffpost -
  • 2017 0821 - US News - How to Manage Life Insurance as an Investment: Investing within a policy may involve locking into a strategy that's hard to change - [Doug Andrew], By Jeff Brown - [link]
    • "When I started my career as a financial strategist in 1974, I was a buy-term-invest-the-difference proponent – that is, until 1980 when E.F. Hutton introduced a new take on universal life insurance," says financial advisor Doug Andrew, founder of Live Abundant and author of "Last Chance Millionaire."
    • "Over the past 40 years, I've helped thousands of Americans benefit from what is now known as indexed universal life," he says. "It's like 'buy term and invest the difference' on steroids."
    • "Do you have to repay the loans? No," Andrew says. "The insurance company will apply any loans against the tax-free death benefit upon your passing. Or, you can choose to repay the loan, and your repayments become newly protected principal that can go on to accumulate tax-deferred interest."
  • 2017 0922 - HBR - Prioritize Your Opportunities with This Checklist, by Doug Andrew, Harvard Business Review - [link]