Douglas Doll
- 1994 05 - SOA - Factuaries: Douglas Doll, The Actuary, Society of Actuaries - 2p
- 1994 - Life insurance consultant at Tillinghast/Towers Perrin
- With this product, the mechanic is "unbundled" and open.
- But events that are now observable may be misinterpreted.
- [Bonk: "this product" = Universal Life]
-- Douglas Doll
1988-2, NAIC Proceedings
- Finally, I just would like to make a small pitch for the "mystique" of whole life.
- If we come up with a retrospective approach for nonforfeiture, then we are hastening the viewpoint that life insurance, no matter what kind is nothing more than term insurance plus a side fund.
- I think the industry has some vested interest yet in keeping the impression that there is more to it than that.
- It is not just term insurance plus a side fund.
- If it is strictly term insurance plus a side fund, then we weaken our arguments for favorable tax and regulatory treatment.
-- Douglas Doll
1989 - SOA - Status Report on Standard Nonforfeiture Law Revisions, Society of Actuaries - 14p
- 1988-2, NAIC Proceedings - (p411)
- Date: May 16, 1988
- To: Dave Becker
- From: Doug Doll
- Subject: Fixed Premium Universal Life
- In the traditional product no one can "see" the inner workings where mortality, interest, and expense are at work to produce the dividend scale.
- As a result, the magnitude and incidence of dividends must be accepted by the buying public and the regulatory bodies.
- And they are relying on the company to follow the contribution principle.
- In fixed premium universal life the mechanic is open for inspection.
- But events that are now observable may be misinterpreted.
- 1998 - Book - The Fair Value of Insurance Liabilities
- Fair valuation of life insurance company liabilities, by Douglas C. Doll, C. Phil Elam, James E. Hohmann, Jacqueline M. Keating, Douglas S. Kolsrud, Karen Olsen MacDonald et al. Pages 21-126