Games, Gimmicks and Tricks

  • Why is this flimflammery allowed to continue?
  • Where are the laws to prevent companies from misleading people?  (p3)

--  Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)

1993 0525 - GOV (Senate) - When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life Insurance?, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  ---  [BonkNote]

  • It is my recollection and understanding that AG 49 was created in part due to a problem with ‘gamesmanship’ in IUL illustrations.

--  Letter - Mike Yanacheak - (IA)

2014 1113, NAIC - IULISG - IUL Illustration Subgroup

We cannot play word games with policyholder money.

--  Karl L. Rubenstein, Special Deputy Insurance Commissioner, State of California

1988 0914 and 0915 - GOV (House) - Insurance Company Failures, John Dingell (D-MI)   ---   [BonkNote]

  • It is clearly time for action.
    • I admit to being dismayed by the disarray in the market, as a result of "illustration games.
  • "When my kids go outside to play games, I let them do so with the expectation that no one will get hurt.
    • With some of the illustration games being played today, my expectation is exactly the opposite.
    • I say that for two reasons, one of which is historical, and one of which is practical.
  • On the buyer's side, there are two major sorts of harm that can befall the unwitting participants of illustration games. Neither is trivial.
    • 1. Bad buying decisions are more likely to occur. Bad buying decisions are inevitable whenever illustrations are not on a comparable basis. The existence of illustration games exacerbates the problem.
    • 2. The misdirection of an illustration game can leave the buyer in a position from which he simply cannot recover.
  • One of our competitors likes to talk about an illustration where a big premium increase at an advanced age is downplayed by saying, "Don't worry, you'll probably be dead by then."
    • He calls it the pay-or-die illustration.
    • How can we expect an 80-year-old individual, who has been paying the level premiums illustrated for years but still finds himself out of cash and insurance, to replace what he thought was a permanent benefit?
  • The life insurance industry will also suffer because of illustration games. It suffered once before when unsound illustrations were prevalent -- 100 years ago during the tontine wars. That is my historical reason for saying that both buyers and the industry will be hurt by unsound illustration practices.
  • Let me go back in time now, and try to retrace our steps from the tontine days to the present.

--  William C. Koenig, Northwestern Mutual

1991 - SOA - Disclosure Systems: Can an Ideal Method be Found?, Society of Actuaries - 22p

  • Mr. Morgan, referring to the report of the committee' on assets and investments, spoke as follows:
    • Life insurance is a theme that should be approached and handled reverently and discreetly, and, I would add, with a fear of God, for it is little less than holy ground; hence, carelessness and  ignorance, empiricism and charlatanry, should be excluded from its high places.  (p30)

--  N.D. Morgan, President of the North America Life Insurance Company

1871-1, NAIC Proceedings

  • From several sources I have gotten the opinion that interest rate games used to be almost invincible in the early years of Universal Life.
  • Partial sophistication now has reduced their effectiveness, so that the emphasis is turning toward cost-of-insurance games.
  • Almost nobody can understand those yet.
  • They work wonderfully, at least for the next 10 years.

--  David H. Raymond

1992 - SOA - Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of Actuaries - 16p

  • After the introduction of indexation, this was no longer a problem except for some "tricks"
  • e.g.,  At one point, indexation was only semi-annual and not monthly, so people took policy loans one day after the indexation day and repaid the loan prior to the next indexation day.
    • They made a lot of money out of these transactions.

-- Dr. Kahane, not a member of the Society, is Associate Professor and director of the insurance center at Tel Aviv University.

1982 - SOA - The Experience of Living Under Sustained Inflation, Society of Actuaries - 18p