
  • Jim Beck
    • 2019-2021 (sort of) - Georgia Insurance Commissioner
      • January 14, 2019 – July 22, 2021
        Suspended: May 16, 2019 – July 22, 2021 
      • I-Team: Suspended Insurance Commissioner Jim Beck guilty on all counts, 2019-2021 - Georgia Insurance Commissioner - [VIDEO-YouTube]
        • 02:50 - Defense Attorney - The Government got it all wrong and that they don't understand the  insurance business.
  • Johnnie Caldwell
    • 1955-1970 - Georgia House of Representatives
    • 1971-?-1985 - Georgia Insurance Commissioner
    • A.L. Williams  
  • Brenda Cude - Academic / NAIC Consumer Representative
  • Ralph Hudgens
    • 2011-2019 - Georgia Insurance Commissioner
  • John King
    • 2019-Current (as of 2024) - Georgia Insurance Commissioner
  • Sam Nunn (D-GA)
    • 1972–1997 - US Senator
    • 1991 1992 - GOV (Senate) - Efforts To Combat Fraud And Abuse In The Insurance Industry, Sam Nunn (D-GA)  ---  [BonkNote]
  • John Oxendine
  • Tim Ryles
    • 1991-1995 - Georgia Insurance Commissioner
    • 2002 - THE RHA REVIEW - Universal Life Litigation: Unraveling an Unbundled Product: Distinguishing Universal Life Insurance from Whole Life Insurance, By Tim Ryles, Ph.D., Volume 8, No. 3, Second Quarter - [link]
    • A.L. Williams
  • Teresa Winer - Actuary / Regulatory