Government Hearings - 1970s
- Confidentiality of Insurance Records: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, First and Second Sessions, on H.R. 5646 ... H.R. 6518 ... H.R. 7052 ... November 27, 1979, March 3, 6, May 1 and 22, 1980 -
- 1969 / 1970 Multiple Dates - GOV (House) - Private Welfare and Pension Plan Legislation, John H. Dent (D-PA)
- [PDF-986p - GooglePlay]
- To Provide Additional Protection For The Rights of Participants In Private Pension Plans, To Establish Minimum Standards For Vesting And Funding of Private Pension Plans, To Provide An Insurance Program Guaranteeing Plan Termination Protection; To Amend The Welfare And Pension Plans Disclosure Act ; And For Other Purposes
- House - Committee on Education and Labor - General Subcommittee on Labor Of The
- 1970 - GOV (House) - Class action and other consumer protection procedures,
- House - Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Subcommittee on Commerce and Finance
- hearings on H.R. 14585, 14627, 14832, 14931, 15066, 15655, and 15656, bills to amend the Federal Trade Commission Act to provide increased protection for consumers, and for other purposes, February 3, 4, 5, 17, 18, 19, 24, and March 3, 1970
- 1970 - GOV (Senate) - Consumer Protection - Parts 1 and 2, Frank Moss - (D-UT) --- [BonkNote]
- PART 1 - 1969 1216 and 17 and 1970 0203 and 0205 - p1-229
- PART 2 - 1970 0317, 0318, 0319 and 0409 - p230-end
[GooglePlay] - Part 1
- Virginia Knauer, Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs
- CFA -
- Part 2
- MARCH 19, 1970
- NAIC - Barger, Richards D., National Association of Insurance Commissioners
- (p324) - Statement of Herbert S. Denenberg, Professor at the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania
- MARCH 19, 1970
- Senate - Committee on Commerce - Consumer Subcommittee
- S. 2246, to amend the Federal Trade commission Act, as amended, by providing for temporary injunctions or restraining orders for certain violations of that act; S. 3092, to amend the Federal Trade Commission Act to extend protection against fraudulent or deceptive practices, condemned by that act, to consumers through civil actions, and to provide for class actions for acts in defraud of consumers; and S. 3201, to amend the Federal Trade commission Act to provide increased protection for consumers, and for other purposes.
- 1971 0427 and 0429 - GOV (Senate) - Consumer Class Action, Frank Moss - (D-UT)
- [PDF-279p-GooglePlay]
- Joseph Belth
- John Durkin, New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner
- Senate - Committee on Commerce - Consumer Subcommittee
- on S. 984 ...S. 1222 ...,S. 1378
- 1971 07 - GOV () - Private Welfare and Pension Plan Study, 1971, Harrison A. Williams, Jr. (D-NJ)
- Senate - Committee on Labor and Public Welfare - Subcommittee on Labor
- [Google-Play-915p]
- Part 1 - JULY 27, 28, AND 29
- (p279) - Robert Lengyel - One of the characteristics of the self-insurance program, in order for it to succeed, it requires that the investment success of the plan be superior to that obtained by regular life insurance companies such as Penn Mutual.
- (p390) - The Senate Labor Subcommittee Study of Private Pension Plans Preliminary Findings
- Jacob Javits (R-NY) - It is a rare thing to find a major American institution - private pension plans - built upon human disappointment - a shocking thing, and something which should move us all to act with determination to make that institution deliver upon its promises.
- Part 2 - October 12-13 ,
- 1971 / 1972 - 1971 0920 and 1130 / 1972 0327 - GOV (Senate) - Victims of Crime, John L. McClellan (D-AR)
- LIAA - Life Insurance Association of America - Richard Minck, Actuary
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures
- 1972 - GOV (Senate) - Commercial Health and Accident Insurance Industry, Philip Hart (D-MI)
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly
- Accounting for the Cost of Pension Plans
- 1973 / 1974 - GOV (Senate) - The Life Insurance Industry, Philip Hart (D-MI) - 4 Parts --- [BonkNote-Overview]
- 1973 0220 - Part 1 of 4 --- [BonkNote-Part 1 of 4] --- [PDF-815p-GooglePlay]
- 1973 0221 and 0222 - Part 2 of 4 --- [BonkNote-Part 2 of 4] --- [PDF-733p-GooglePlay]
- 1973 0223 - Part 3 of 4 --- [BonkNote-Part 3 of 4] --- [PDF- 641p-GooglePlay]
- 1974 0716 - Part 4 of 4 --- [BonkNote-Part 4 of 4] --- [PDF-807p-GooglePlay]
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on AntiTrust and Monopoly
- 1973 0405 - GOV (House) - Insurance Proposals for the District of Columbia, W. S. (Bill) Stuckey (D-GA)
- [PDF-125p-GooglePlay,
- (p84) - Robert N. Price, vice president and general counsel of Peoples Life Insurance Co. To diversify their activities, many insurers have gone to the holding company system.
- (p85) - During the past 15 years, there has been a significant trend within the life insurance industry to conduct business within a holding company structure.
- There are now more than 50 such companies operating in the United States.
- From the partial list attached to this statement you will see that these companies represent an important and substantial part of the industry.
- The reasons for this industry trend are easily identifiable:
- ... the greater flexibility afforded management when operations are con-ducted within a holding company structure,
- ... the increased financial strength of the group, and
- ... the operating efficiencies which can be achieved within such a structure.
- The Capital Holding Corporation group is a case in point.
- (p85) - During the past 15 years, there has been a significant trend within the life insurance industry to conduct business within a holding company structure.
- House - Committee on the District of Columbia - Subcommittee on Business, Commerce, and Taxation
- 1973 0523/0612 - GOV (Senate) - Review of Veterans' Insurance Programs, Harold E. Hughes (D-IA) - 2 parts
- Part 1 - 0523 - [PDF-909p-GooglePlay] ->Not on
- Veterans' Insurance Act of 1973, and Related Bills
- Part 2 - 0612 - [PDF-545p-GooglePlay] ->Not on
- Senate - Committee on Veterans' Affairs - Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance
- Part 1 - 0523 - [PDF-909p-GooglePlay] ->Not on
- 1973 0816, 17, 20, and 21 - GOV (Senate) - Consumer Redress, John V. Tunney (R-CA) --- [BonkNote]
- [PDF-337p-GooglePlay]
- Senate - Committee on Commerce - Subcommittee for Consumers
- 1975 1103 and 1117 - GOV (Senate) - Price Disclosure Act
- Senate - Committee on Commerce - Subcommittee for Consumers
- on S. 997
1975 - GOV (Senate) - The Bankruptcy Reform Act, Quentin N. Burdick (D-ND)
Part 1 - FEBRUARY 19, 20; MARCH 12, 13; APRIL 16, 17, 24 - [PDF-345p-GooglePlay]
Part 2 - APRIL 29, 30; JUNE 4; JULY 31; SEPTEMBER 24, 25; OCTOBER 1 , 8, 30; NOVEMBER 5, 6, 11, 12, AND 18 - [PDF-717p-GooglePlay]
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Improvements in Judicial Machinery
- 1975 06 - GOV (House) - Establishing an Agency for Consumer Protection, Jack Brooks (D-TX)
- [PDF-437-GoglePlay
- 1975 - GOV (Senate) - The Antitrust Improvements Act of 1975
- [PDF-GooglePlay]
- Part 2 -
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly
- 1975 11 - GOV (Senate) - Price Disclosure Act, Frank E. Moss (D-UT)
- [PDF-317p-GooglePlay]
- (p154) - AFL-CIO - Consumer Protection - [Resolutions Adopted by the 1975 AFL-CIO Convention] - Congress should promptly enact the long-delayed legislation that would establish an Agency for Consumer Advocacy.
- Many forms of insurance are a necessity for consumers, but buyers are largely at the mercy of virtually unregulated insurance companies.
- Therefore, we urge the Congress to take the following actions...
- 3-Undertake a full-scale, comprehensive investigation of the structure of the insurance industry, including:
- Discriminatory practices against consumers; rate- making ; accounting procedures; interlocking relationships between insurance companies, banks and conglomerates, and whether the federal government, and not the states, should regulate this huge interstate industry.
- 3-Undertake a full-scale, comprehensive investigation of the structure of the insurance industry, including:
- Senate - Committee on Commerce- Subcommittee for Consumers
- 1975/1976 111275 and 042076 - GOV (Senate) - Review of Veterans Housing and Insurance Programs
- [PDF-917p-GooglePlay]
- Senate - Committee on Veterans' Affairs - Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance
- 1975 1203 and 1204 - GOV (Senate) - Veterans Insurance Information Disclosure, Senator Richard Stone (D-FL) --- [BonkNote]
- [PDF-989p-GooglePlay]
- NAIC - William H. Huff III, president, National Association of Insurance Commissioners,
- accompanied by Bill White, chief actuary of the New Jersey Insurance Department and
- Dan Andersen, director of the Life and Health Insurance Division and chief actuary of the Iowa Insurance Department and chairman of the Cost Disclosure Task Force of the NAIC.
- ACLI - J. Edwin Matz, president of John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
accompanied by Richard V. Minck, vice president and chief actuary American Life Insurance Association - Academic - Dr. Joseph M. Belth , professor of insurance, Indiana University,
Bloomington, Ind. - NALU - Jack E. Bobo, CLU, secretary of the National Association of Life Underwriters,
- accompanied by James Douds, general counsel for the National Association of Life Underwriters - Washington and
- William Albus, associate general counsel for the National Associa tion of Life Underwriters — Washington
- (p255) - Statement of Joseph Belth
- (p269 - AP - Deceptive Sales Practices in the Life Insurance Business, Joseph M. Belth, The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Jun., 1974), pp. 305-326, Published By: American Risk and Insurance Association - 22p
- Senate - Committee on Veterans' Affairs - Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance
- 1975 12 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, AND 10 - GOV (House) - Financial Institutions and The Nation's Economy (Fine) "Discussion Principles," - Part 1, Fernand J. St Germain (D-RI) - [805p-GooglePlay]
- 1976 - GOV (Senate) - Staff Study of the Severance Pay-life Insurance Plan of Teamsters Local 295, Sam Nunn (D-GA)
- [PDF-199p-GooglePlay]
- Senate - Committee on Government Operations - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
- 1976 0304, 0309, 0311, and 0316 - GOV (House) - The Financial Reform Act of 1976 - Part 1
- [PDF-589p-GooglePlay]
- (p232) - FHLB - Statement of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board on the Financial Reform Act of 1976
- One promising approach is to encourage more S&L's to issue mortgage backed bonds that will be more attractive to pension funds and life insurance companies than the underlying mortgages themselves.
- House - Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing - Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insurance
- 1976 0317 and 0323 - GOV (House) - The Financial Reform Act of 1976 - Part 2
- [PDF-761p-GooglePlay]
- Credit Life Insurance
- House - Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing - Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insurance
- 1977 0314 and 0315 (Part 1) - GOV (House) - Teamsters' Central States Pension Fund and General ERISA Enforcement, Sam Gibbons (D-FL)
- [PDF-631p-GooglePlay]
- Federal Pension Law Enforcement in Case of Teamsters' Central States Pension Fund
- House - Committee on Ways and Means - Subcommittee on Oversight
- 1977 0329 - GOV (House) - Antitrust Exemptions and Immunity,
- [PDF-1095p-GooglePlay - Part 1]
- [PDF-2132-GooglePlay - Part
- 1977 0329 - Part 1 -
- Appendix 3.-"The Pricing and Marketing of Insurance," a report of the Department of Justice to the Task Group on Antitrust Immunities, January 1977
- FTC - Testimony of Owen M. Johnson, Jr., Director, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission - p17-
- (p18) - McCarran - Ferguson exemption for the business of insurance... very significant exemptions, and we do have strong feelings about...
- FTC - Testimony of Owen M. Johnson, Jr., Director, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission - p17-
- House - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Monopolies and Commercial Law
- 1977 0420 and 0421 - GOV (House) - Agency for Consumer Protection, Jack Brooks (D-TX)
- [PDF-521p-GooglePlay, VIDEO-?]
- House - Committee on Government Operations - Subcommittee
- To Establish an Agency for Consumer Protection in Order to Secure Within the Federal Government Effective Protection and Representation of the Interests of Consumers, and for Other Purposes
- 1977 0503, 0504, 0505, 0511 and 0512 - GOV (Senate) - Oversight of Antitrust Enforcement, Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA)
- [PDF- 915p-GooglePlay]
- A competitive market embodies Adam Smith's celebrated "invisible hand."
- (p438) - Corporate giantism threatens our democratic institutions. <Too Big to Fail>
- (p451) - ... it seems to me advisable for the Congress to review the appropriateness of the exemptions and immunities that have been carved out as exceptions to our policy of competition. - Insurance
- Antritrust Division reports -
- (p666-674) - Organization and Members of the Temporary National Economic Committee [TNEC], Report #s
- (p672) - "monograph" "28" "SEC" "life insurance"
- (p760) - A Study of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, Peter H. Schuck, Director, The Ralph Nader Congress Project
- For in the ultimate perversion of the marketplace, our dinosaur firms may grow so large that, what ever their inefficiencies, the government cannot afford to let them fail. <Too Big to Fail>
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly
- 1977 0628 and 0630 - GOV (Senate) - Disclosure of Insurance Policy Information to Veterans, Richard Stone (D-FL)
- [PDF-415p-GooglePlay] ->Not on
- Senate - Committee on Veterans' Affairs - Subcommittee on Housing, Insurance, and Cemeteries
- 1977 0912, 0913 and 0914 - GOV (Senate) - Federal Insurance Act of 1977 --- [BonkNote]
- NAIC - Insurance Commissioner of the State of California and Member of the Executive Committee - 1978-1, NAIC Proceedings (p830-)
- Edward BROOKE (R-MA). Mr. Chairman, on June 16 of this year I introduced S. 1710, titled The Federal Insurance Act of 1977.
- This bill is a revised version of S. 3884. which I introduced at the end of the 94th Congress.
- The bill grew out of my concern about the financial condition of the property casualty insurance business.
- To Authorize The Issuance Of Charters For Carry Ing On The Business Of Insurance, To Provide For The Guarantee Of The Insurance Obligations, And For Other Purposes
- Senate - Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
- 1978 2 Parts - GOV (Senate) - Rights and Remedies of Insurance Policyholders, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)
- [PDF-1197p-GooglePlay]
- Part 1 - 1978 0117 and 0118 - Discrimination by Property and Casualty Insurance Companies: The Fairness in the Coverage and Cost of Insurance, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) - [PDF-965p-GooglePlay]
- (p) - Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) - In succeeding months the subcommittee may look at other insurance issues. One possible topic is the lack of consumer information on life insurance policies and costs.
- (p4) - Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) - As I have already suggested, a basic question underlies every insurance issue the subcommittee chooses to examine : Whether the insurance industry should be permitted to retain its exemption from Federal antitrust laws, as the McCarran - Ferguson Act presently allows
- (p126) - Howard METZENBAUM. How long has NAIC been working with these problems?
- Harold Wilde (Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner) - The NAIC has been around in one form or another since 1871.
- Senator METZENBAUM. Have they been working on them since then? [Laughter]
- Harold Wilde - In some areas they have. In some areas they have been sitting on their cans for 100 years.
- Senator METZENBAUM. Do you think that there is any way that we could convince the NAIC—and since you are the chairman of the committee— that there is a sense of urgency in this area of State, adequate State regulation?
- (p127) - Mr. Wilde. You would not call sex a subject of consideration. The trouble is that you may question , as Jim Stone has, and I think right fully, the fact that a category that breaks out a group on the basis of sex may explain a difference between 10 and 5 percent. Yet , 90 or 95 percent in either case would be getting “ screwed.”
- Senator METZENBAUM - That may be an appropriate term when we are talking about this subject.
- (p127) - Mr. STONE. I take issue with what you suggested no one takes issue with: The assertion that all statistical categories which can be actuarily established should be used. I do not think that actuarial soundness is any sort of automatic justification. I am quite sure that if the insurance industry had decided that, instead of age, sex, and territory, it would base its automobile rating system on hair color or in come or religion, they would have found many apparently valid statistical correlations. These are not useful correlations. They are not fair correlations. But I am sure the companies would have found them. I would object very strongly to their using these connections. I feel very much the same way about sex classification. It does not matter to me whether it establishes some sort of pattern on the average.
- (p563) - Not Metzenbaum - Wisconsin does not approve or disapprove... [Bonk: Connect with Wicka, LIIIWG]
- Part 2 - 1978 0510 - Part 2 - Rights and Remedies of Insurance Policyholders: The Role of the Policyholder in Mutual Insurance Companies, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) - [PDF-229p-GooglePlay]
- Senate - Subcommittee on Citizens and Shareholders Rights and Remedies of the Committee on the Judiciary
- 1978 0306 - GOV (Senate - Report) - A Report of the Special Committee on Aging
- [PDF-1216p-GooglePlay]
- (p93) - California - A 77-year-old man was sold a life insurance policy by an insurance agent who claimed that the product he was selling was an investment in a savings and loan association, planning to build an establishment in San Diego soon. After 2 years, and two payments of $1,176 each, when the business had not materialized, the man sought advice and was informed that he had purchased a life insurance policy.22
- (p99) - Legal Services of Nashville and Middle Tennessee, Inc., conducted an investigation of the sale of low-premium "industrial" life insurance and medi-gap insurance to Nashville residents early in 1978. Their report charged that the elderly were the most vulnerable to oversale of inferior insurance policies and that the State department of insurance was not doing enough to protect low- income elderly and others from abusive insurance practices. Similar charges were made by a separate investigation conducted by a team of reporters for the Nashville Tennessean.47
- (p104) - 72 16 CFR part 453. "Funeral Industry Practices, "final staff report to the Federal Trade Commission , and Proposed Trade Regulation Rule. Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, June 1978. See "Developments in Aging: 1976" - part 1, U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, Senate Report No. 95-88, pp. 157-161 for further discussion of rule as originally proposed in 1975 and for comment and reaction to the rule during 1976.
- (p191) - The 1978 Revenue Act 8 provides taxpayers with more time to place contributions in their IRA's. That decision can now be deferred until the date a tax return is filed-up to April 15-compared to the former deadline of February 14. This revision should reduce the number of instances in which taxpayers are charged a penalty for excess contributions. Further, this law permits a one-time, retroactive balancing out, on 1978 returns, for overpayments made in 1976 and 1977. While the availability of IRA's has provided millions of uncovered employees with a new means of providing for their retirement, the Federal Trade Commission has issued warnings about certain plans issued by insurance companies which require fixed monthly payments. In a report to the House Ways and Means Committee, the FTC found that "the potential for consumer injury is substantial," and that thousands of persons have already lost the money which they invested in such plans. The FTC report made a number of recommendations for improving the protection of persons seeking to establish IRA's, which are currently under consideration by the Internal Revenue Service and the Congress.
- (p247) - S/OCA and the National Consumers League cosponsored a conference on life insurance which featured discussion of major consumer issues in life insurance, including cost disclosure, policy language simplification, and marketing. Conference proceedings are available from US/OCA. In addition, US/OCA testified during life insurance cost disclosure hearings conducted in August 1978 by the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on on Oversight and Investigations.
- (p258) - In addition, PBGC is charged by ERISA with the duty to provide advice and assistance to individuals regarding establishment of individual retirement accounts ( IRA's) or other retirement savings, and the desirability, in particular cases, of transferring an employee's interest in a qualified retirement plan to a form of individual retirement savings upon termination of employment. Booklets on this subject are available from the PBGC and the Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ) . (The FTC booklet may be obtained from PBGC.)
- (p281) - FTC - 2. LIFE INSURANCE
- In July 1979, the Commission released a staff report on the current state of life insurance cost disclosure.
- One of the major conclusions of the report was that so little information exists for consumers about the relative costs of life insurance policies that companies paying 20 year rates of return of 2 percent or less compete successfully with companies paying 4 percent to 6 percent.
- Furthermore, while consumers have invested about the same amount of money in the savings component of life insurance policies as they hold in savings and loan passbook accounts, the average rate of return on all life insurance policies in force amounted to only 1.3 percent.
- Elderly policyholders have been adversely affected by the unavailability of rate of return information at the time of purchase.
- While many new cash value policies earn relatively low rates of return, substantially lower rates of return are being paid on older policies which do not pay dividends and are particularly unsuited to cope with accelerating inflation. In order to enable consumers to make more informed choices, the Commission has developed a life insurance cost disclosure system for consideration by the States.
- [PDF-1216p-GooglePlay]
- 1978 0307 - GOV - ᏢᎪᎡᎢ 1 - DEVELOPMENTS IN AGING: 1979 - A REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING UNITED STATES SENATE - PURSUANT TO S. RES. 65, MARCH 7, 1979 Resolution Authorizing a Study of the Problems of the Aged and Aging
- 1978 0312 and 0316 - GOV (Senate) - Debit Life Insurance Industry, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)
- [PDF-485p-GooglePlay]
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopoly, and Business Rights
- 1978 - GOV (House) - The President's 1978 Tax Reduction and Reform Proposals, Omar Burleson (D-TX)
- Part 9 of 9 - April 5, 6, 7, and 24 - [595p-GooglePlay]
- Life Insurance Co. of California, Jack P. Barger ..... 3300
- (p6170) - 1978 03 - TAX POLICY, INVESTMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Effects of Alternative Tax Proposals Affecting Investment Income, Prepared by Securities Industry Association, based on Econometric Studies by Data Resources, Inc.
- We also found there were a number of serious and difficult problems with the financial intermediaries, the casualty and insurance companies, the life insurance companies, those that are stock owned and those that are mutually owned, and there are some very difficult problems that will require very serious attention by the committee in order not to disturb the balance among those sectors.
- And we came to the conclusion, as we set aside for the time being our study of these problems, that it just would not be possible to resolve these problems within the time available for a limited bill .
- We also found there were a number of serious and difficult problems with the financial intermediaries, the casualty and insurance companies, the life insurance companies, those that are stock owned and those that are mutually owned, and there are some very difficult problems that will require very serious attention by the committee in order not to disturb the balance among those sectors.
- Part 9 of 9 - April 5, 6, 7, and 24 - [595p-GooglePlay]
- 1978 0807, 0814 and 0815 - GOV (House) - Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure, John Moss (D-CA) --- [BonkNote]
- [PDF-1049p-GooglePlay] - []
- 1978 12 - GOV (House - Report) - Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure Report Together with Dissenting Views, John Moss (D-CA) --- [BonkNote] --- [PDF-109p]
- House - Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
- 1979 0524 - GOV (Senate) - Cost Disclosure in Life Insurance, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) --- [BonkNote]
- [PDF-279p-GooglePlay]
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopoly and Business Rights
- 1979 0710 and 1017 - GOV (Senate) - FTC Study of Life Insurance Cost Disclosure, Howard Cannon (D-NV) --- [BonkNote]
- [PDF-597p-GooglePlay], [PDF-592p]
- Senate - Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
- 1979 0918, 19, 27, 28 and 10 04, 05,10 - GOV (Senate) - Oversight of the Federal Trade Commission, Wendell H. Ford (D-KY) --- [BonkNote]
- [PDF-853p-GooglePlay]
- Magnuson-Moss Act
- Oversight to Examine the Enforcement and Administrative Authority of the FTC to Regulate Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices
- Senate - Committee on Commerce, Science, And Transportation - Subcommittee for Consumers
- 1979 1009 - GOV (Senate) - States Insurance Regulation, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)
- [PDF-44p, VIDEO-?]
- Senator METZENBAUM. Today the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopoly and Business Rights continues its examination of the operation of the insurance business under the McCarran-Ferguson Act. We will focus on the effectiveness of State insurance regulation.
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopoly and Business Rights
- 1979 1011 and 1022 (Part 1) - GOV (House) - Small Business Problems with Insurance, John LaFalce (D-NY) --- [BonkNote]
- Part 1 - 1979 1011 and 1022 - GOV (House) - Small Business Problems with Insurance - Part 1, John LaFalce (D-NY)
- [PDF-337-GooglePlay]
- FTC Life Insurance Survey
- Economatic
- John LaFalce (D-NY) - During the course of....we ascertained that there were very few people within the Federal Government with an understanding of the insurance industry.
- A staff memo...stated: "It appears that for many years the workings of the life insurance business have been misunderstood by those at the [Internal Revenue Service and Justice Department] associated with the question."
- House - Committee on Small Business - Subcommittee on General Oversight and Minority Enterprise
- 1979 1114 - GOV (Senate) - Credit life insurance
- [PDF- p-GooglePlay]
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopoly, and Business Rights
- 1979 1127 / 1980 0303, 0306 and 0501, 0522 - GOV (House) - Confidentiality of Insurance Records, Richardson Preyer (D-NC)
- Insurance Records Hearings
- [PDF-689p-GooglePlay]
- (p1) - Richardson PREYER (D-NC) - Today the subcommittee begins hearings on the administration's Fair Insurance Information Practices Act.
- The bill sets uniform nationwide standards for the handling of personal information by insurance companies but leaves it up to the individual citizen or the State insurance commissioner to enforce the standards.
- House - Committee on Government Operations
- 1971 0608 - GOV (House) - Review of VA Insurance Programs: House. Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Subcommittee on Insurance
- 1971 0713 - GOV (Senate) - Veterans' Direct Loans and Group Mortgage Insurance: Hearing, Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance
- 1971 - GOV (House) - Interest, Usury, and Consumer Credit: Hearings Before the Judiciary Subcommittee..., 92-1, on S. 1938..., and H.R. 10523..., November 15, 29, and 30, 1971 - Committee on the District of Columbia
- 1974 - Conversion of Savings and Loan Associations from Mutual to Stock Form
- 1974 - Financial Institutions Act--1973
- 1974 - Variable Rate Securities and Disintermediation, Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Of ...,93-2 ...,July 24 and 25, 1974
- 1975 - GOV - Regulation Q - googleplay
- 1976 - International Banking Act of 1976
- 1976 - GOV (House) - Legislation Related to Compensation, Pension, and Insurance: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Compensation, Pension and Insurance of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, Second Session on Cost of Living Increases, Benefits for WWI Veterans and Their Widows, and S. 1911 - 6 pages
- 1978 0614 - Veterans Insurance Programs: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Compensation, Pension, and Insurance of the Committee on Veterans Affairs, House of Representatives.
- 1979 0314 - GOV (House) - Oversight of Veterans' Administration Insurance Programs: Consideration of H.R. 353, H.R. 597, and H.R. 2032 : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Compensation, Pension, Insurance, and Memorial Affairs of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs
- 1979 - Depository institutions deregulation act of 1979
- 1977
- 1975
- 1975
- 1975
- 1978
- 1970 - GOV - Study on Federal Regulation
- PAD-78-68 Federal Regulatory Policies -
- PAD-78-68 Federal Regulatory Policies -
- 1970 - Senate - Consumer Products Guaranty Act: Hearings, Ninety-first Congress, Second Session, on S. 3074 ...
- Performance
- Committee on Commerce. Consumer Subcommittee U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970
- 1973 - Senate - Impact of Gasoline Marketing Practices on the Consumer - Committee on Commerce. Consumer Subcommittee
- Consumer Fuel Disclosure Act of 1975: Hearing Before the Subcommittee for Consumers of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, First Session, on S. 1508 ... October 29, 1975