JIR / NAIC - Journal of Insurance Regulation

  • 2008 - JIR / NAIC - OFC: Is It Really Just Overkill?, by Robert W. Cooper, Ph.D. -  [link]
  • 2009 - JIR / NAIC - Preservation of state-based insurance regulation: an ongoing challenge in the U.S. and the European Union, Cooper - 
  • 2014 - JIR / NAIC - Denied and Resisted Life Insurance Claims - JIR-ZA-36-10-EL - by J Bisco — Legal. Comprehensiv regulations an opics; and oth and consume. Market Regu ... (MCAS) (NAIC, 2014). ... American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), 2014.

  • - JIR / NAIC - Responding to Alleged Fraud in Certain Broker Compensation Arrangements: The Need for a More Transparent Crisis Management Process for Regulators, Part 2, by Robert W. Cooper, Ph.D.*


  • 1982 - JIR / NAIC - Regulating life insurance replacement activity - 14p
  • 1984 - JIR / NAIC - Life Agent Qualifications and Mandatory Continuing Education, by William Albus - 14p
  • 1985 - JIR / NAIC - Universal Life: Taxation and the Actuarial Concept of Life Insurance - 10p
    • Mark L. Power, professor of risk and insurance, College of Business, Iowa State University
    • Labh S. Hira, assistant professor, College of Business Administration, Iowa State University
    • Roger P. Murphy, assistant professor of accounting, Iowa State University.
    • 1982 - Dinney, Who Invented Universal Life? I Did, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF LIFE INSURANCE 9 (March 1982). - <WishList> 
  • 1987 - JIR / NAIC - Insurer Investments in Junk or Below-Investment Grade Bonds: Some Questions and Answers for Regulators - 13p
  • 1987 - JIR / NAIC - State taxation of insurance companies: time for a change, by Skipper, Harold D - 23p
  • 1988 - JIR / NAIC - Regulatory Lessons Learned From Baldwin United Corporation - 26p


  • 1990 - JIR /NAIC - Medium and Lower Quality Bond Holdings of Insurers in 1990 - 228p
  • 1992 - JIR / NAIC - Insurance Agent or Broker Liability to the Insured, by Burke A. Christensen - 30p
  • 1995 - JIR / NAIC - Life Cost Disclosure: Prospects for True Reform, by James H. Hunt - 20p
  • 1995 - JIR / NAIC - Symposium on the Regulation of Life Cost Disclosure and Market Conduct, by Tom Foley and Carolyn Johnson - 48p
  • 1995 - JIR / NAIC - Solvency monitoring in the Twenty-First Century - 47p
  • 1997 - JIR / NAIC - An Analysis of Life Insurance Illustrations: Regulatory Implications of the Disparity between Policy Yields Based on Illustrated Versus Actual Surrender Values, by James M. Carson and Mark D. Forster - 23p
  • 1998 - JIR / NAIC - Identifying Troubled Life Insurers: An Analysis of the NAIC FAST System - 43p
  • 1998 - JIR / NAIC - Legal Reviews: Illinois Courts Approve National Class Cction Lawsuit as Means of Adjudicating Consumer Dispute - 4p
  • 1999 - JIR /NAIC - The Significance of Insurance Research to Those Involved in the Regulatory Process - 40p


  • 2000 - JIR / NAIC - The Early History of the NAIC, by Eric C. Nordman - 16p
  • 2000 - JIR / NAIC - Creation of the Guaranty Association System - 15p
  • 2001 - JIR / NAIC - An Assessment of Insurance Market Conduct Surveillance, by Robert W. Klein, James W. Schacht - Journal of Insurance Regulation Vol. 20, No.1 - 44p
  • 2002 - JIR / NAIC - The effects of mandatory continuing education on insurance producers - 16p
  • 2003 - JIR / NAIC - The Murder of the Insured By the Beneficiary: Attempting to Quantify One Moral Hazard Relating to Life Insurance Contracts - 29p
  • 2004 - JIR / NAIC - Modernizing U.S. Insurance Regulation: What Can Be Learned From The European Union?, by Robert W. Cooper and Mark S. Dorfman - 32p
  • 2005 - JIR / NAIC - Insurance Disclosures: An Effective Mechanism to Increase Consumers’ Insurance Market Power?, by Brenda Cude --- 25p
  • 2005 - JIR / NAIC - The Critical Role of Insurance Class Actions. by D.J. Powers, former general counsel of the Texas Department of Insurance; founder of the Center for Economic Justice - 20p 
  • 2006 - JIR / NAIC - Modernizing Insurance Solvency Regulation: Evidence from the UK - 21p
  • 2007 - JIR / NAIC - Using Research to Help Make Disclosure Statements More Effective: A Case Study in Research Design and Implementation - 11p
  • 2007 - JIR / NAIC - Consumer Disclosure as Consumer Protection, by Linda Lanam - 5p
  • 2009 - JIR / NAIC - Risky Asset Substitution in the Insurance Industry: An Historical Example - 25p
  • 2009 - JIR / NAIC - The Economic Crisis and Lessons from (and for) U.S. Insurance Regulation, by Therese M. Vaughan --- 18p


  • 2010 - JIR / NAIC - Reforming Insurance Regulation: Where Do We Start?, by Patricia H. Born and Andreas Richter - 23p
  • 2011 - JIR / NAIC - Financial Guarantee Insurance and Failures in Risk Management. by Pamela Peterson Drake and Faith Roberts Neale - 49p
  • 2012 - JIR / NAIC - An Analysis of the AIG Case : Understanding Systemic Risk and its Relation to Insurance, by Etti G. Baranoff - 30p
  • 2015 - JIR / NAIC - The Economics and Regulation of Captive Reinsurance in Life Insurance, by Scott E. Harrington - 45p
  • 2016 - JIR / NAIC / FRB-B - A Post-Mortem of the Life Insurance Industry's Bid for Capital During the Financial Crisis, by Michelle L. Barnes, James Bohn, Cynthia L. Martin, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston - 41p
  • 2017 - JIR / NAIC - An Analysis of Interpretation of Insurance Contracts: Common Law Versus Strict Contra Proferentem, by Randy D. Henry - 36p
  • 2018 - JIR / NAIC - CDS Spreads, Systemic Risk and Global Systemically Important Insurers Designations - 41p


  • 2020 - JIR / NAIC - Social Media as a Factor in Personal Injury Underwriting: Risk, Rate and Regulation, by Harold Weston and Brenda P. Wells, Vol. 39, No. 1 - 26p
  • 2021 - JIR / NAIC - Insurance Regulation in Europe: An Analysis of Effectiveness and Efficiency, by Martin Eling - 33p