LDWG - Life Disclosure Working Group - (A) - NAIC - Selections

  • 1989-1, NAIC Proc. - LIAC - p24
    • p24 - The Life Insurance (A) Committee also adopted the report of the Life Cost Disclosure Task Force
      which assured that a yield index exposure draft would be distributed in March 1989. The committee
      further adopted the report of the Product Development Task Force which prepared for exposure
      sample disclosure documents designed for distribution to prospective buyers of universal, variable,
      and other interest-sensitive life insurance products
  • 1989-1, NAIC Proc. - Life Cost Disclosure (A) Task Force - p672
    • Margurite C. Stokes, Chair - District of Colunbia
      • Leroy Morgan, Vice Chair - Kentucky
      • Roxani Gillespie - California
      • Louis E. Bergeron - New Harrpshire
      • Kenneth D. Merin - New Jersey
  • 1993-1 p249-265 LDWG 17p
  • 1993-1B p781 LIAC Ip
  • 1993-1B p788-803 LDWG 16p
  • 1993-1B p1399 LATF Ip
  • 1993-1B p1437-1445 LATF 9p
  • 1993-2 730-736 LDWG 7p
  • 1993-2 p428 LIAC Ip
  • 1993-2 p1008 LATF Ip
  • 1993-3 p440-447p LDWG 8p
  • 1993-3 p719 LATF Ip
  • 1993-4 p46 LIAC Ip
  • 1993-4 p550-560 LDWG lop
  • 1993-4 p643-744 LIAC 2P
  • 1993-4 $28 LATF Ip
  • 1994-1 p355-356 LIAC 2P
  • 1994-1 p364-431 LDWG 68p
  • 1994-1 p711 LATF Ip
  • 1994-2 p53 LIAC Ip
  • 1994-2 p552-572 LIDG 21p
  • 1994-2 p983 LATE Ip
  • 1994-3 p70 LIAC 1p
  • 1994-3 p516 LIAC Ip
  • 1994 3 p520-575 LIDG 56p
  • 1994-4 p46 EX Ip
  • 1994-4 p177 Internal Administration Ip
  • 1994-4 p652 LIAC Ip
  • 1994-4 p657-676 LDWG 20p
  • 1995-1 p63 EX Ip
  • 1995-1 p476 LIAC Ip
  • 1995-1 p479-499 LDWG 21p
  • 1995-1 p536-548 LDWG 13p
  • 1995-2 p52 EX Ip
  • 1995-2 p531-532 LIAC 2P
  • 1995-3 p30 EX Ip
  • 1995-3 p674-675 LIAC 2P
  • 1995-3 p676-688 LIDW 13p
  • 1995-4 p53 EX Ip
  • 1995-4 p763-764 LIAC 2P
  • 1995-4 p763-766 LIAC 4p
  • 1995-4 p773-775 LIDG 3p
  • 1995-4 p780-789 LDWG lop
  • 1995-4 p1162-1163 Consumer Participation Board of Trustees 2P
  • 1996-1 p53 LIDG 2P
  • 1996-1 p136-137 EX 2P
  • 1996-1 p591-599 LIAC 8p
  • 1996-1 p607-611 LIBG 5p
  • 1996-2 p647 LIAC Ip
  • 1996-2 p693-706 LIDG-BSG 14p
  • 1996-2 p1026 Consumer Participation Board of Trustees Ip
  • 1996-3V1 p53-54 LIDG 2P
  • 1996-3V1 piii Research Proceedings Ip
  • 1996-3V2 p907 LIAC Ip
  • 1996-3V2 p916-960 LIDG 45p
  • 1996-3v2 p1268-1269 Consumer Participation Board of Trustees 2P
  • 1993-1 - NAIC Proceedings - (249- 265) / (131-147)
    • 1993 0309 - LIAC - Minutes ... 249
    • 251 - Life Disclosure Working Group March 8, 1993, Minutes (Attachment One) 
    • 252 - NAIC - Summary of NAIC Activity, Life Insurance Disclosure/Illustrations - (Attachment One‐A) 
    • 253 - NAIC - State Adoption of Life Insurance Disclosure Provisions Found in NAIC Model Laws (Attachment One‐B1) 
    • 257 - NALU - 1993 0308 - Statement of National Association of Life Underwriters - (Attachment One‐C)
    • 263 - AAA - 1993 0308 - Statement of the American Academy of Actuaries Task Force on Life Insurance Illustrations (Attachment One‐D) 
    • 263 - TRG - Report of the Technical Resources Group (Attachment One‐E) 

1993‐1B : (779, 778 ) / (149,


June 6, 1990 Report ... 563
Accelerated Benefits Working Group Reports (Attachment One) ...... 566
Life Marketing Practices to Senior Citizens Working Group June 4, 1990 Report (Attachment Two) ... 569
Marketing Practices to Senior Citizens and Graded Death Benefits Working Groups May 14, 1990 Joint Meeting Report
(Attachment Two‐A) .... 570
Applicability of NAIC Model Rules Governing Advertising
of Life Insurance to Concerns of Working Group
(Attachment Two‐Al) ..................... 571
Life Insurance Marketing Practices for Senior Citizens
Working Group Action Plan (Attachment Two‐A2) .... 572
NAIC Rules Governing the Advertising of Life Insurance State Pages (Attachment Two‐A3) ...................... 573
Memorandum Addressing State Regulation of Life Insurance Advertising (Attachment Two‐A4) ............. 575
Projected Interest Earnings Working Group June 4, 1990 Report - (Attachment Three) ............... 577
Bulletin on Illustrated Interest Projections Exposure Draft
(Attachment Three‐A) ... 578
Projected Interest Earnings Working Group April 1 7, 1990 Report (Attachment Three‐Bl) ... 578
March 27, 1990 Report (Attachment Four)........... 579