Marcy Kaptur

  • Marcy Kaptur - (D-OH)
    • 1983-Current (as of 2023) - US House
  • (p71) - Marcy KAPTUR (D-OH) - Oh, they are happening, Mr. Paulson. You ought to come and visit us in Ohio and see the results of your handiwork.
  • Hank PAULSON. Well, I know how terrible it is. I am just telling you it would have been worse.
  • Ms. KAPTUR. If that is your best argument, that is not good enough.
  • Mr. PAULSON. I want to explain it to you, because you probably don’t agree there was a crisis.
  • Ms. KAPTUR. I agree it was a crisis of your making——

2009 0716 - GOV (House-OGR) - Bank of America and Merrill Lynch: How Did a Private Deal Turn Into a Federal Bailout? Part III, Edolphus Towns (D-NY)  ---  [BonkNote]