- Moratorium
- Stay
- Contractual
- State
- Courts
- (p16) - Willis B. Howard, Jr., NOLHGA - National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations:
- I'd like to respond briefly to my honorable friend, Commissioner Bartlett.
- Dwight, the guarantee association system works, and it works well.
- Dwight K. Bartlett III, Maryland Insurance Commissioner:
- Are you going to tell me, Bill, in all honesty that you really believe that the policyholders of Executive Life and Mutual Benefit Life have been well-served?
- For example, with Mutual Benefit, if you opted out of that rehabilitation plan you get, as I recall, 55 cents on the dollar of your account value.
- If you opt into the plan, you agreed to subject yourself to a moratorium period, which means you do not get full access to the cash values of your policy until the next century.
- Are you going to say that's meaningful coverage for those policyholders?
- ⇒ I think that's ridiculous.
1994 - SOA - Valuation Actuary - Symposium Proceedings - Session 1 - Introduction and Overview, Society of Actuaries - 110p
- [Both Dates PDF-629p-GooglePlay, 0428-No Video / 0505-VIDEO-CSPAN- Insurance Policy Transfers]->Not on
- Senate - Committee on the Judiciary - Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights
- Belth (Professor), James McNeill (Insurance Agent)
- I question the argument that insurance organizations should have weaker bank/thrift holding company protections because their insurance policy holders can’t easily cash out if they make bad investments.
2014 0310 - Letter - Sheila C. Bair to Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - 6p
- Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection
- Re: Subcommittee Hearing: “Finding the Right Capital Regulation for Insurers”
- The very nature of insurance significantly reduces the potential of a run-on-the-bank scenario for property/casualty, health and most life insurance products.
- For those limited products sold by insurers that could be subject to some level of run risk, mitigating factors exist such as policy loan limitations, surrender/withdrawal penalties, and additional taxes.
-- Kevin M. McCarty - NAIC Testimony - Commissioner, Florida Office of Insurance Regulation and President of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners - 8p
2012 1129 - GOV (House) - Examining the Impact of the Proposed Rules To Implement Basel III Capital Standards - [PDF-439p, VIDEO-?]
- The IAA notes that the exercise of any power to implement a stay on surrenders may have a cost to the reputation of the insurance industry and may result in conflicting positions between the prudential and conduct supervisors if they are separate. (Page 180 of 264)
2018 - IAIS - Compiled Comments on Holistic Framework for Systemic Risk in the Insurance Sector 14-Nov-18 to 30-Jan-19 - 264p