New York - Circular Letters

  • New York Circular Letter - No. 17-03 - IMSA
    • 2004 - IMSA - Market Conduct Standards & the Life Insurance Industry, NOLGHA Annual Meeting, October 26-27, 2004 - 26p
  • 2008 1010 - Circular Letter No. 22 - [link]  
    • TO: All New York-authorized insurers, licensed insurance producers, licensed health maintenance organizations, licensed fraternal benefit societies, and Excess Line Association of New York
    • RE:  American International Group (“AIG”) Insurance Company Subsidiaries in New York  
    • Misrepresentations or misleading statements regarding AIG insurance company subsidiaries in New York—or other insurers— aimed at causing fear or undue concern amongst insurance consumers will compel the Department to take appropriate disciplinary or other regulatory action against any person violating the Insurance Law and regulations thereunder.