NOLHGA - National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations

  • These events, of course, were the reasons that NOLHGA was created (under the auspices of the ACLI).

2006 0803 - DOTT - Remarks of David G. Nason Deputy Assistant Secretary, Financial Institutions Policy U.S. Department of the Treasury Before the National Organization of Life and Health Insurance, Department of the Treasury - [link]

  • NCIGF - National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds 
  • Eden Safarty 
  • Peter Gallanis
  • Willis B. Howard, Jr.
  • Government Hearings - 
  • In the early 1990s, there were a number of large insolvencies

--  Willis B. Howard Jr., NOLHGA - National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations

1998 - SOA - Once in a Hundred Years, Society of Actuaries - 22p

  • 2012 02 - NOLHGA Journal - 16p 
    • Second, the collapse of AIG’s securities lending program was an effect, not a cause, of AIG’s failure
  • 2014 10 - NOLHGA Journal - 24p
    • (p2) - Insurers, Systemic Risk, and the Debate Over Regulatory and Resolution Policy. This column is the first of a two-part discussion; the conclusion will follow in the next issue of the NOLHGA Journal, President’s Column by Peter G. Gallanis 
    • (p4-) - Harvey Miller discusses the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, the challenges in unwinding a multinational company, and how Dodd-Frank doesn’t really end “too big to fail.”
    • Eric Dinallo, Ben Bernanke
  • Finally, I have mentioned the NOLHGA.
    • Quite frankly, I still don't know what to make about this, but there's no question that they have had a substantial impact on the Executive Life Insurance Company transaction.
    • I have no idea how that's going to play out, but the talking process in Executive Life has been significantly impacted by NOLHGA.
    • And the last I heard, they are to be considered a serious buyer.
    • So in rehabilitation situations, they are a force to be reckoned with.

--  Patrick S. Baird, Vice President and Chief Tax Officer of Aegon U.S.A., Inc.

1991 - SOA - What is a Life Company Worth? Society of Actuaries - 24p 

  • 1991 0227, 0507, 0509 and 0523 - GOV (House) - Insurance Company Solvency, (CSPAN) Insurance Company Insolvencies, Cardiss Collins (D-IL)  ---  [BonkNote]
  • 1993 0629 - GOV (Senate) - NOLHGA Bails Out a Healthy Insurance Company: Examining the Current System The State Guaranty Fund System Uses to Pay Off Insurance Policyholders, re: Security Benefit Life Insurance Company -
  • 1993 0629 - GOV (Senate) - NOLHGA Bails Out a Healthy Insurance Company: Examining the Current System The State Guaranty Fund System Uses to Pay Off Insurance Policyholders, re: Security Benefit Life Insurance Company
  • 1993 0629 - GOV - (Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights), State Insurance Guaranty Funds: Controlled by the Industry or by the Public? <Bonk: Can't Find- Same As
    • 1993 0629 - GOV (Senate) - NOLHGA Bails Out a Healthy Insurance Company: Examining the Current System The State Guaranty Fund System Uses to Pay Off Insurance Policyholders, re: Security Benefit Life Insurance Company
  • 1995-1, NAIC Proceedings - Testimony from Jack H. Blaine, President National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations Public Hearing on Policyholder Protection in Insurance Company Failures - September 11, 1995 - p
  • 1995-1, NAIC Proceedings - Guaranty Fund Issues Working Group B of the Insolvency (EX5) Subcommittee - September 11,1995
  • 2009 - NOLHGA - NOLHGA, the Life and Health Insurance Guaranty System, and the Financial Crisis of 2008–2009, Peter G. Gallanis (President, NOLHGA) - 31p

  • 2011 1216 - NOLHGA - Joint Comments of NOLHGA and NCIGF in Response to FIO'S Request for Public Input - 51p
  • 2016 - NOLHGA - NOLHGA Report Comparing The Federal Pension System and the State Insurance System - 68p
  • FRANKLIN PROTECTIVE LIFE Insurance Company - Martin Frankel
      • John Hackney, President of the Company, has advised that he invested the Company's assets in bonds through the broker known to him as LNS, Inc. Petitioners have confirmed that records of the Company reflect these investments, however, LNS, Inc. and the money invested in bonds throughLNS, Inc. is missing. With total liabilities of$21,857.487, and the missing bonds, the Company is insolvent.
  • 1991 - First Capital Life Insurance Company - CA   
  • 1991 - Executive Life - CA
  • 2013 - Executive Life Insurance Company of New York NY