Run on the Life Insurance Company Run (p47) – Dennis ROSS (R-FL). There hasn’t been a run on life insurance, has there? Are people all of a sudden going to go and cash in their life insurance policies? Because if they are, then our serious consequences for economic structure are way out of line. 2015…

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Games, Gimmicks and Tricks Why is this flimflammery allowed to continue? Where are the laws to prevent companies from misleading people?  (p3) —  Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) 1993 0525 – GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life Insurance?, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote] It is my recollection and understanding that AG 49 was created in…

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John Hancock / Manulife Manulife 1997 1030 – GOV (Senate) – Class Action Lawsuits: Examining Victim Compensation and Attorneys’ Fees, Charles Grassley (R-IA)  —  [BonkNote] 2018 1004 – ThinkAdvisor – Muddy Waters Shorts Manulife on Risks in Universal Life Trial, By Erik Schatzker, Katherine Chiglinsky and Ivan Levingston – [link] Toronto-based Manulife is one of the biggest…

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Consumers Policyholder Most common citizens just don’t understand policy terms. You have to have faith,” said he to his commissioner. You have to have faith or trust that the agent is telling you the truth or explaining it correctly to you. 1993 0525 – GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life…

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FRB – Federal Reserve Board FRB – Federal Reserve Board – Documents IPAC – Insurance Policy Advisory Committee – FRB Preston Martin 2008 0131 – FRB – Federal Reserve Board Oral History Project – Interview with Steven M. Roberts, Former Deputy Director, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation – 25p MR. SMALL. During this time,…

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Q: What’s the Problem That We Are Trying To Solve? *Robert E. Wilcox:  What’s the real problem then, Shane? Shane Chalke:  I’ll say before I answer that I don’t have a good answer.  1995 – SOA – Current Developments Surrounding Regulations and Standards of Life and Annuity Products, Society of Actuaries – 18p ⇒ *Robert…

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sb-policy-performance-variability-Non-guaranteed Elements – Universal Life Universal Life Descriptions Policy Performance  Variability / Volatility Nonguaranteed Elements (NGE’s) / Nonguaranteed Policy Elements Illustrations Disclosure Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Sales / Buying Process Market Conduct Premium Lapse Academics ACLI Actuarial Government Law NAIC Mr. Wicka said the paper <Assurity White Paper- Consumer Issues Associated with Guaranteed Universal Life Policies”…

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1990s – Actuarial – Snippets I think we need to focus more on building a knowledge base. It seems to me our knowledge base is what we live or die on. —   Anna Rappaport, (2023 – The Actuarial Foundation, Emeritus Trustee) 1990 06 – SOA – The Actuary Magazine, Society of Actuaries – 5p William…

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Policy Information for Applicant – Universal Life – NAIC Focus Groups 1990-1A, NAIC Proceedings – NAIC / LIMRA – Universal Life Disclosure Form Focus Group Summary,   —   [BonkNote]  —  10p 1993 – NAIC – Policy Information for Applicant – Universal Life Policy – 3p Life Insurance Disclosure Model Regulation – Appendix D Located in:  1993 0525 – GOV (Senate)…

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Informed Consumer (p33) – Informed consumers are the cornerstone of effective consumer protection. This is particularly true in relation to life insurance with its proliferation of complex products over the past decade. —  NAIC – Statement of David Lyons, Iowa Insurance Commissioner (IA), On Behalf of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners  1993 0525 -…

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