Q: Should the Insurance Industry Be Looked At? It is hard to fix a system that has not been analyzed.  (p14)  —  J. Robert Hunter (CFA) 2003 0506 – GOV (House) – Increasing the Effectiveness of State Consumer Protection – [PDF-123p, VIDEO-?]  My staff has conducted a major investigation of these issues. I must say today…

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John Dingell John Dingell (D-MI) 1955-2015 – US House https://content.naic.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/cipr_home_130823_implications_industry_trends_final_5.pdf 1990 02 – GOV (House – Report) –  Failed Promises: Insurance Company Insolvencies – John Dingell (D-MI) – [PDF-81p] House – Committee on Energy and Commerce – Subcommittee on  Oversight and Investigations 1994 10 – GOV (House Report) – Wishful Thinking: A World View of Insurance…

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Antitrust We would have been subject to antitrust action had we tried to develop that in the profession alone; they had to be in the regulation. Departure from the past practice of avoiding antitrust laws can only happen when the regulators take the lead. The ASB cannot make these changes by itself.  —  Frank S.…

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George Coleman I think you have to catch people’s attention, and that is all to the good. —  George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) 1994 – SOA – Problems and Solutions for Product Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 28p George Coleman of Prudential…not an actuary. He’s a lawyer……

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4-Home Academic  |  Actuarial  |  Government  |  Industry |  Law  |  Regulation  | Policies  Three – NAIC Working Group Notes Four – MAIN Five – Academic Six – Actuarial Seven – Consumer Reps Eight – Government Nine – Industry          -A) ACLI          -B) NAIFA        …

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