Policy Transfers “These policy transfers treat policyholders like commodities, trading them like baseball cards,” Mr. Metzenbaum said in a statement. The acquiring companies are often “in such poor financial shape that they couldn’t attract policyholders but had to buy them wholesale, without their consent.” [Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)] 1994 0328 – NYT – Transfers By…

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CC – 1993 When and 2005 Military and 2022 Current Issues in Insurance Many insurance companies even have a way to get a consumer’s money without the consumer ever knowing about it. Most policies have a clause that allows the company, without telling the policyholder, to dip into the savings component of their life insurance…

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ACLI – American Council of Life Insurers ACLI – Index ACLI – Legal Cases ACLI – Government ACLI – NAIC – 1980s ACLI – Snippets Benefits – ACLI Systemic Risk – ACLI 1975 The Institute of Life Insurance and the American Life Insurance Association merge to become the American Council of Life Insurance. The headquarters…

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Truth To quote from Josh Billings: ” Tis better not to know so much, than to know so much that ain’t so.” If life insurance truths have not been widely disseminated and assimilated, life-insurance untruths have. Lack of knowledge as to what is so about life insurance has been offset by excess information coined and…

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1991 0227, 0507, 0509, 0523 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Company Solvency 1991 0227, 0507, 0509 and 0523 – GOV (House) – Insurance Company Solvency, (CSPAN) Insurance Company Insolvencies, Cardiss Collins (D-IL)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-369p-GooglePlay,  VIDEO-0509-CSPAN]  ->Not on govinfo.gov – R <VIDEO-? – 0227, 0507 and 0523> House – Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation – Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer…

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Guessing The actuary cannot and should not attempt to estimate or predict the future. This would reduce actuarial work to guessing. ⇒  What then are actuarial assumptions? 1998 01 – SOA – Actuarial Futures – Actuarial Assumptions and the Future, by W. Harold Phillips, Society of Actuaries – 4p (p3) – Companies say: After 5…

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Misleading Misleading Illustrations Why is this flimflammery allowed to continue? Where are the laws to prevent companies from misleading people?   —  Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) 1993 0525 – GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life Insurance?, Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote]  (Northwestern Mutual Life: A Century of Trusteeship by…

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Q: Guaranty Fund – Who Pays? Ultimately the public pays for everything. —   Eden Safarty  (President / NOLHGA – National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations):   1991 0227, 0507, 0509, 0523 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Company Solvency, aka Insurance Company Insolvencies – [PDF-369p-GooglePlay] ->Not on govinfo.gov – 0509-VIDEO-CSPAN]  (p186) – Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH).…

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ACLI – Documents SEC – REG BI –  Year-? – ACLI – Analysis of ACLI Board Principles Against the SEC Best Interest Standard of Care Proposals – 5p 2007 1213 – Letter – ACLI – Submission in response to the RAND Study on Broker Dealer and Investment Advisory Issues – 13p 2010 0830 – Letter -…

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Assumption Reinsurance Life and health insurers have greater opportunity to transfer a set of policies from one company to another, using a transaction known as “assumption reinsurance” (a confusing term for what amounts to the sale of a block of policies with the “consent”—sometimes constructive—of each policyholder).105 2021 – LR – Uncertainty > Risk: Lessons for…

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