Pre-funded Guaranty Fund
- NP - NYT-? - Mutual Benefit - Industry thinking about prefunded Fund.
- 1995-1, NAIC Proceedings
- Commissioner Robert Wilcox (Utah) agreed and suggested that there be a charge to the appropriate committee for the NAIC to study and consider a pre-funded guaranty fund and whether an interstate compact would be an appropriate mechanism to implement such a fund.
- He added that the compact was thought to be a means to protect a pre-funded guaranty fund from state legislatures as well as an efficient and effective method to administer the fund.
- The compact would establish a body to hold the funds as a trustee, and the only way the funds could be reached would be a dissolution of the compact itself, which could only be accomplished by legislative action.
- Commissioner Robert Wilcox (Utah) agreed and suggested that there be a charge to the appropriate committee for the NAIC to study and consider a pre-funded guaranty fund and whether an interstate compact would be an appropriate mechanism to implement such a fund.
(p118) - Mrs. Olga Pegelow - Chicago - Executive Life Annuity Policyholder
- Mrs. PEGELOW . May I ask a question? -- I know there is a guaranty fund in 48 States, but in that guaranty fund, is the money there?
- Alex MCMILLAN (R-NC). Well, that is another question. -- In most cases, since it is a guarantee.
- Mrs. PEGELOW. But the money is not there. -- The money has to first be collected.
- Mr. McMILLAN. But that means that those who participate in that State in the sale of insurance are obligated to pay into the fund.
- Mrs. PEGELOW. In other words, all the other insurance companies that are solvent in that State will have to donate the money or pay the money to this guaranty fund;
- .... it isn't like the FDIC where the money is there.
- Mr. McMILLAN. I wish it were.
- Mrs. PEGELOW. Right. So there is that difference. There is a guaranty fund, but there is no life ---
- Mr. McMILLAN. Those are based on guarantees too. The fact of the matter is ---
- Mrs. PEGELOW. But the Government is behind the FDIC.
- Mr. McMILLAN. The reason why the taxpayers are having to pay off S&L depositors is because the fund wasn't adequate to meet the guarantee of the deposits.
- Mrs. PEGELOW. Correct. And this is the same problem with the insurance money.
- The money isn't there.
- Mr. McMILLAN . You obviously make a very valid point.
1991 0227, 0507, 0509, 0523 - GOV (Senate) - Insurance Company Solvency, (CSPAN) Insurance Company Insolvencies - [PDF-369p-GooglePlay, 0509-VIDEO-CSPAN] <VIDEO-?-0227/0507 and 0523 - Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation