Premium - Consumer - Universal Life
- The agent said that Universal Life policy premiums would stay the same, but I came to realize that this is not true of our policies.
- ...what bothers me is that I am afraid that this same misleading information may be the basis of my children's and grandchildren's ... planning...
1993 - GOV - When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life Insurance - [PDF-354p]
- Also, because most people presume that if you pay your premium continuously, your policy will remain in effect, quite a few people had a hard time understanding how or why the policy would terminate in policy year 31.
- This was simply foreign to their way of thinking.
1990-1A NAIC Proceedings - NAIC LIMRA - Universal Life Disclosure Form Test Market Results - 10p - Consumer Testing
- recent news youtube video
- GOV - Consumer handbook