Primerica vs Marco Moukhaiber - Always Marco

  • 2023 1201 (as of) - Docket - Procedure Record - 1p
  • 2024 0510 (as of) - Docket - Procedure Record - 2p
  • 2024 0620 (as of) - Docket - Procedure Record - 3p

  • 2023 0720 - LC - Statement of Claim - Injunction - Primerica - Marco Mouhkaiber - [Always Marco]  ---  [BonkNote]  ---  12p
    • Notice to Defendant - You are being sued. You are a defendant. 
  • 2023 0720 - Notice of Application - Interm Injunction - 9p
  • 2023 0720 - Affidavit - Mark Beauchamp - Primerica - 11p
  • 2023 0720 - Affidavit - Angela Kaiser - Primerica - 2p
  • 2023 0720 - Urgent Request Form - Primerica - 4p
    • Describe why your request is urgent, include efforts to resolve this matter with the opposing party and their response to this request (if applicable) (brief Description): 
    • This request comes with urgency and importance due to the scope and global reach of the Respondent’s defamatory videos and social media posts, in breach of the Trademarks Act, the Copyright Act and the Competition Act. Since they were posted, the number of views of these posts have increased significantly across various platforms, and continues to increase daily, resulting in further irreparable harm to the Applicants’ reputation, goodwill and business interests.
      • Despite several cease-and-desist letters from Primerica’s counsel, the Respondent continues to create and release damaging Primerica related content, and has threatened to post additional harmful content and undertake continue to harass the Applicants.

  • 2023 0724 - Order for Injunction - Justice / Master - R.A. Graesser, J.C.K - 5p

  • 2023 0919 - Statement of Defence - AMarco - 3p 
  • 2023 1002 - Affidavit - William W. Keep - 173p
    • [Bonk: On the surface this appears to be the same Document as the 1129 Document. I have both. Does anyone know if they are the same or different?]
  • 2023 1129 - Affidavit - William W. Keep  ---  [BonkNote]  ---  173p
  • 2023 1129 - Affidavit - Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco]  ---  [BonkNote]  ---  118p
  • 2023 1129 - Affidavit - Douglas M. Brooks  ---  [BonkNote]  ---  39p
  • 2023 1129 - Affidavit - Robert L. Fitzpatrick  ---  [BonkNote]  ---  79p

  • x - 2024 0213 - Correspondence - Hearing - 05MAR2024 - COM  - HRD - COM / CRTRM / CLK / WE - J.S. Little, J.C.K. 
  • XX - 2024 0226 - Affidavit - Devyn Ens - Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco] - NC - 51p
    • 10 - Order
    • 15 - 2023 0720 - Statement of Claim - Primerica
  • XX - 2024 0228 - Affidavit - Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco] - NC - 3p

  • [ ] - 2024 0228 - Brief - Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco] - NC
  • --- - 2024 0228 - Correspondence - Urgent Filing Request-C - Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco] - N&C - 1p
  • XX - 2024 0228 - Application - AMND05MAR2024 COM - AMENDED APP - Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco] - N&C - 3p
    • [Depositions - In Person vs Remote - Conduct Money]
    • 15. The Defendant, at enormous personal cost, given the significant disparity in resources between the parties, has mounted a defence to the injunction application . However, the Plaintiffs' lack of cooperation means this matter has not proceeded hearing. The Defendant is seeking a direction from the CoU1i on the procedural issues that are outstanding in this matter to ensure this application can proceed to hearing as expeditiously as possible.
    • Material or evidence to be relied on:

  • XX - 2024 0301 - Affidavit - Kelly Marier - Primerica - Primerica vs Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco]   ---  [BonkNote]  ---  226p
  • XX - 2024 0301 - Brief - Primerica - Primerica vs Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco]  ---  [BonkNote] ---  58p
  • 2024 0412 - W/Out Notice App Justice - OHH

  • x - 2024 0416 - Order Attend Questioning - Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco] - J. s. LITTLE, J.C.K.B - OHH
  • 2024 0416 - Order Regarding Costs - Cont - TO BE SPOKEN TO - OHH
  • XX - 2024 0503 - Affidavit - Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco] - NC - 48p

  • -- - 2024 0506 - Hearing Set - No Corres - 10JUN2024 - Com -  COM/CRTRM/CLK/WE - M.J. LEMA, J.C.K.B. -
  • XX - 2024 0506 - Application - Primerica - 10JUN2024 - VARY TERMS/CONTEMPT - OHH - 24p
    • The Injunction Order Must be Varied
      • 40. As a result of the foregoing conduct, Primerica seeks to vary the Injunction Order to include the following terms:
        • (a) Mr. Moukhaiber must immediately remove the New Primerica Videos and any online content posted by Mr. Moukhaiber reproducing, promoting, or mentioning the New Primerica Videos in any way;
        • (b) Directing YouTube to remove the Primerica Videos, the New Primerica Videos, and any content posted by Mr. Moukhaiber or any other party reproducing the Primerica Videos and New Primerica Videos in whole or in part, upon request by counsel for Primerica;
        • (c) Mr. Moukhaiber must immediately un-block counsel for Primerica, under any user name whatsoever, from his social media accounts, including YouTube, Instagram, Discord, and any other account for which he has blocked Primerica’s counsel.
  • XX - 2024 0503 - LC - Affidavit - Kelly Marier - Primerica - Primerica vs. Marco Moukhaiber - [Always Marco]  ---  [BonkNote]   ---   29p