
  • Retrospective vs Prospective
  • Mr. Carroll: Retrospective and prospective, if everything fits and works nicely, as Doug pointed out, it doesn't matter.
  • You get the same answer looking both ways.
    • It only matters when things are out of sync and something has gone wrong or gone
      better than has been reflected. That's how we come down to it.

1996 - SOA - A New Look at U.S. Nonforfeiture Regulation, Society of Actuaries - 16p

  • c. Retrospective Valuation and Nonforfeiture Value Procedures
    • At its meeting in December 1982, the (A) Committee expressed an interest in retrospective valuation procedures, and asked the group to begin working on such a topic.
    • As assigned to the group, the topic would involve a study of whether the traditional prospective methods used to determine minimum reserves should be replaced by retrospective methods.
    • "Prospective" implies looking forward from the valuation date to future benefits the insurance company will provide and future premiums to be paid by the policyholder.
    • "Retrospective" implies looking back from the valuation date to benefits already provided and premiums already paid since the contract was issued.
    • Retrospective methods seem to be better suited to certain newer life insurance plans, such as universal life plans, where it is difficult to place a value on future benefits that would be provided.
  • The group considered this topic for the first time in March 1983, and noted that, if retrospective procedures are used to define minimum reserves, then the retrospective procedures should also be used to define minimum cash values and other minimum  nonforfeiture values.
  • Therefore, the adoption of retrospective procedures would probably require extensive revision of both the standard valuation law and the standard nonforfeiture law for life insurance.
  • Perhaps, complete redrafting of these model laws would be needed.
  • Since this is a new topic, it is not mentioned in the Winter 1982 report of the group under the heading "Other Topics."

1983-2, NAIC Proceedings

  • "Prospective" implies looking forward from the valuation date to future benefits the insurance company will provide and future premiums to be paid by the policyholder.
  • "Retrospective" implies looking back from the valuation date to benefits already provided and premiums already paid since the contract was issued.
  • Retrospective methods seem to be better suited to certain newer life insurance plans, such as universal life plans, where it is difficult to place a value on future benefits that would be provided.

1983-2, NAIC Proceedings