- Formerly named Minnesota Mutual - (named changed in 2001)
Securian Retirement is a unit of Minnesota Life Insurance Company, a Securian company
- Robert Ehren, Securian
- 2015 0721 - Letter - Securian to DOL / EBSA - 3p
- Subject: Definition of the Term "Fiduciary"; Conflict of Interest Rule-Retirement Investment Advice (RIN 1210-AB32); Proposed Amendment to and Proposed Partial Revocation of Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 84-24 for Certain Transactions Involving Insurance Agents and Brokers, Pension Consultants, Insurance Companies and Investment Company Principal Underwriters (RIN 1210-ZA25); and Proposed Best Interest Contract Exemption (RIN 1210-ZA25)
- We support the administration's goal in ensuring that retirement savers get the best advice for their investment objectives, risk tolerance and financial needs.
- We support clear disclosures and honest education that help a consumer understand their investment decisions.
- In general, however, we are concerned about the Proposal because it is overly burdensome, costly and will result in consumers being left in a significantly worse position with less access to advice and limited options for savings