Tom Hegna

  • 2013 - How to Use the Low-Interest Environment to Drive Life Sales, by Tom Hegna, at MDRT Conference - 18p
    • Many people increasingly like the idea of paying taxes now on savings for retirement knowing they will not have to pay taxes on the growth or the distribution of that savings.
    • The most common financial vehicles that do that are a Roth IRA, tax-free municipal bonds, and cash value life insurance.
    • ⇒ I like to say it this way, if you were a farmer, would you rather pay tax on the seed or the harvest?
      • I think almost every farmer would rather pay tax on the seed. It works the same way with money.
  •  - Tom Hegna - Tom Hegna’s Retirement Stories: Which Life Insurance Should I Get? - 
  •  - Tom Hegna - Most Important Income Solutions in Retirement: Paychecks & Playchecks -