
  • Chapter 9
    • Elizur Wright
    • "Value" - extended term
  • (p153) - he = Patrick Brockett, Plaintiff Expert Witness
    • And he identified the fact that sometimes when the market performs lower, the policy has less value.
    • Is that a secret, that sometimes when the market performs at a lower rate of return, the policy will have less value?

2014 0425 - LC - Walker vs Life Insurance Company of the Southwest, LSW - DOC 813 - Trial Transcript - 224p

  • An alternate means of measuring activity in the life insurance market is by examining the value of life insurance policies in force.
  • This refers to the value of all life insurance policies written and recorded on the books of the insurance firm which are unexpired as of a given date.
  • The value of life insurance in force at the end of 1988 was $ 8.02 trillion.18

1991 03 - GOV (House Report) - Descriptive Analysis of the Insurance Industry in the United States - [PDF-185p-GooglePlay] -> Not on

  • Universal Life's policy structure confers upon policyowners the ability to see all transactions affecting policy values while providing themselves with an insurance benefit.

-- Roland A. Dieter

1984 - SOA  - Is Universal Life Manageable?, Society of Actuaries - 3p