Wade Pfau

  • Born - 1977
  • 2003 - Ph.d. - Princeton
  • 2019 - Book - Safety-First Retirement Planning
  • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • ?- 2012-? - RIIA - The Retirement Income Industry Association - riia-usa.org/
    • Curriculum Director for RIIA
  • 2003-2013 - teaching at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo
  • 2013-Current - theamericancollege.edu/about-the-college/our-people/faculty/wade-d-pfau
  • scholar.google.com/citations?user=kzxcA68AAAAJ&hl=en
  • retirementresearcher.com/
    • Retirement Income Style Awareness tool
    • Retire with Style podcast. 
  • 2013-Current - mcleanam.com/team/wade-pfau-bio/ - Principal, Director of Retirement Research
  • wbcornerstones.com/dr-pfau/
    • We are extremely excited to announce that Dr. Wade Pfau CFA, RICP® has joined Wealth Building Cornerstones™ as our Chief Research Fellow.
    • Dr. Pfau is a Professor of Retirement Income and the Program Director for the RICP® designation at The American College®.
    • Dr. Pfau has his BA and BS from the University of Iowa, MA and PhD from Princeton University.
    • Dr. Pfau has written two white papers on WBC and the strategies within. He has also recently released his book, “Safety-First Retirement Planning”, that references WBC. No other system has this level of academic backing and support.
  • Year-? - Building Integrated Retirement Income Strategies: With Traditional Investments, Guaranteed Income Annuities, and Whole Life Insurance, by Wade Pfau - 11p 
    • New York Life Insurance Company funded this white paper
    • This material is intended for use by Registered Representatives with their clients and prospects.
    • 2011 - Safe Savings Rates: A New Approach to Retirement Planning over the Lifecycle, by Wade Pfau - 
    • 2014 - Optimizing Retirement Income by Combining Actuarial Science and Investments, OneAmerica, by Wade Pfau - 27p
    • 2014 - The Yin and Yang of retirement income philosophies, by Wade Pfau and Jeremy Cooper - 32p
    • 2015 0513 - Forbes - Improving Retirement Outcomes with Investments, Life Insurance, and Income Annuities, by Wade Pfau - [link]
      • [Bonk: Paper-?]
    • 2015 0515 - Letter - Wade Pfau to Whom it May Concern re: Wealth Building CornerstoneTM System - 37p
      • I have reviewed the Covered Assets strategy of the Wealth Building Cornerstones TM system and conclude that it is consistent with the strategy named "Scenario 3: Investments+ Single-Life SPIA + Whole Life" in the paper I wrote titled "Optimizing Retirement Income by Combining Actuarial Science and Investments" in May 2015.
      • 2015 - Optimizing Retirement Income by Combining Actuarial Science and Investments, by Wade D. Pfau 
    • 2015 0630 - Evaluating Investments versus Insurance in Retirement, by Wade Pfau - 6p
    • 2016 - SOA - Optimizing Retirement Income Solutions in Defined Contribution Retirement Plans A Framework for Building Retirement Income Portfolios, by Wade Pfau - 59p
    • 2017 - AP - Life Insurance as a Retirement Income Tool, by Russell DeLibero and Wade D. Pfau - 20p
    • 2017 - AP - Optimizing Retirement Income by Combining Actuarial Science and Investments, by Wade D. Pfau - OneAmerica - 28p
    • 2019 - Letter - Wade Pfau to Whom it May Concern re: Wealth Building CornerstoneTM System - 28p
      • 2019 - Integrating Whole Life Insurance into a Retirement Income Plan Emphasis on Cash Value as a Volatility Buffer Asset, by Wade D. Pfau and Michael Finke
    • 2019 1211 - NAIFA - Optimizing Retirement Income by Combining Actuarial Science and Investments, By Wade D. Pfau - [link]
  • 2020 - AP - Integrating Whole Life Insurance into a Retirement Income Plan Emphasis on Cash Value as a Volatility Buffer Asset, by Wade D. Pfau and Michael Finke - 20p
  • 2020 0715 - The Money Advantage - Dr. Wade Pfau: Maximize Retirement Income with Whole Life Insurance & Annuities - [VIDEO-YouTube-59:26]
    • 9 - Pfau - Annuity vs Life Insurance - Covered Asset Strategy
    • 17 - Bonds / Whole Life - Tax-Advantaged Account vs Taxable Accounts
      • Whole Life - Properly Structured - Primarily a Bond Portfolio - Insurance Company vs Personal Portfolio
      • Cash Value - Bonds - No Interest Rate Risk
    • 21 - Sequence of Return Risk - Longevity Risk - Volatility Buffer - Cash Value can't have losses
    • 38 - Whole Life vs Universal Life -
      • Pfau - Comes from Investment Area, learning about Life Insurance.
      • Underfunding policies
    • 40 - 4 L's of Retirement
  • 2021 0323 - Forbes - Treating Cash Value As A Fixed-Income Investment Choice, by Wade Pfau, The American College; Principal @McLean Asset Management - [link]
  • 2021 0402 - Forbes - Why You Should Consider Cash Value As A Fixed-Income Investment, by Wade Pfau, The American College; Principal @McLean Asset Management - [link]
  • 2024 0208 - The Power of Zero - [David McKnight] - Is Cash Value Life Insurance a Good Bond Replacement? (With Wade Pfau) - [VIDEO-YouTube-08:23]
    • 2021 0323 - Forbes - Treating Cash Value As A Fixed-Income Investment Choice, by Wade Pfau, The American College; Principal @McLean Asset Management - [link]